[What with all the upheaval over the last few days and Yoite being stuck in bed from feeling extra ill (the water really isn't something he should be subjected to for very long periods of time.) Yoite had been exploring some of the abandoned rooms he'd found on the caravan. Upon his search he'd found a piano.
So perhaps he couldn't hear the notes all that well with his failing hearing, and he couldn't see what keys he was pushing ... but the vibration of the piano was enough to let Yoite at least feel the music. Being the maths genius that he was, timing was no problem as the music was a simple 1,2,3,4 2,2,3,4 3,2,3,4, timing to keep in his head.
So yes caravan. It's with great sorrow or pleasure that you had to wake up to hear this
♫ ♫ # ♪ haunting sound of a fleeting soul expressing himself through music. It was after all one of those rare calm days for Yoite. He was remotely pain free and hadn't felt too cold.]