SENDING TO: thebeast@willaknet.glo
SUBJECT LINE: Remember me!?
YOUR MESSAGE: Hello, Mr. Beast (is that what you go by nowadays?)! This is Sir Cid Amon.
We have met in the far past, but I will never forget you! Your and your Mistress' generosity was most appreciated back then, and I do want to extend my thanks after all these years!
Now, I'm not here without a request. My colleagues and I are on a wonderful journey once again... to their homelands. They were not residents of Willaknapp, but another world! Due to some recent mishaps, however, the Caravan has been poisoned, and we are left without a shelter for the time being. We ask that you lend us some rooms in your Castle... and perhaps release the captives because I do have reasons to believe they are in the same situation as my Passengers.
In return, we will work night and day to find your missing item(s)! What do you say to that? Hm?
I will allow my men and women to enter the castle either way, and we can have a private discussion meanwhile, hohoho!
PASSENGERS OF THE CARAVAN... you may exit! Do a little exploring around the Castle! My friend, the Beast, has quite a charming place, wouldn't you say? I believe your friends are here as well, ohoh!