
Nov 10, 2007 16:51

Will sleeps long and deep, briefly waking throughout the day and night as his body struggles against the fever.

Much later he wakes more fully realizing he's hungry but is too worn to get food so stays in bed, feeling weak and trying to remember what he said to Kate.

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guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 22:09:59 UTC
There is a knock.


guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 23:02:40 UTC
Guppy nods.

"Are you aching? Any other symptoms apart from fever and tiredness?"


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:04:07 UTC
"'ard to tell, just been workin' so 'ard, just got used to the aches."


guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 23:09:02 UTC
"Okay, well the paracetamol will help with those too."

He smiles slightly. "From what I can tell, I don't think you have full-on flu, probably a flu-like virus. You need to keep rested, fed and hydrated. I can give you paracetamol to take every couple of hours."


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:10:35 UTC
"Oh aye, rested for 'ow long?"


guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 23:16:41 UTC
"Well, at very least until you feel better. And then take it easy a couple of days longer."


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:19:56 UTC
Will just nods though its clear he's not really looking forward to having to rest,

"Aye, I will."


guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 23:22:01 UTC
"Don't look so worried." Guppy says gently. "You'll have plenty of company. I'll bring you something to read if you want."


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:23:42 UTC
"'ave some books, got 'im for my birthday though 'avena really read any o''em, was gone longer then I 'xpected."


guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 23:24:36 UTC
"Then what's wrong?"


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:26:35 UTC
"Naught truly, forgive me didna mean to make ye worry."

Will's thoughts are rather scattered at the moment and he doesn't want Guppy to worry more then he needs to.


guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 23:33:44 UTC
Guppy eyes him.

"Will, there's this condition called collapse-in-the-car-park-syndrome. It occurs when patients don't give the doctor all their signs and symptoms. Now come on, what's up?"


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:39:00 UTC
"Truly I'm fine, tired, achy an o'er the fever but naught else just worryin' 'bout time at 'ome, know it stops just got surprised when I came 'ere is all."


guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 23:41:01 UTC
"Okay, but send a rat for me if you need me." Guppy says, not looking terribly believing.

"And don't worry, time should be stopped for you, right?"


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:42:43 UTC
Will just remembered but its not so much something for Guppy to worry about as Will,

"Aye, course, an 'ow stupid do folks tend to be when they've got a fever?"


guppy_sandhu November 10 2007, 23:43:59 UTC
"It varies." He grins. "I make a terrible patient personally."


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