
Nov 10, 2007 16:51

Will sleeps long and deep, briefly waking throughout the day and night as his body struggles against the fever.

Much later he wakes more fully realizing he's hungry but is too worn to get food so stays in bed, feeling weak and trying to remember what he said to Kate.

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nothawkingbird November 10 2007, 22:58:08 UTC
A knock, and then Kate entered, "Will?" She walked over to him, and checked his forehead. Still warm, but not as bad.

"How are you feeling? Do you want anything?"


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:00:39 UTC
He had been half asleep and the feel of her hand on his forehead woke him up and he looked at her and blushed though some of its left over flush from the fever,

"Um, could probably eat somethin', 'ope I didna worry ye too much."


nothawkingbird November 10 2007, 23:07:05 UTC
Rueful smile, "You're not the first there. Believe me, sure I'll get grey hairs too young at this rate either way."

"Probably something light so it doesn't upset your stomach. I guess I have to carry it up from the bar?" She doesn't know about waitrats wandering around for room service orders yet.


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:09:12 UTC
"Um aye, though could always get up if that would be easier. They'll just make ye look distinguished is all."

Sadly Will doesn't know about that either and he'd really like to make sure he didn't say or do anything stupid last night.


nothawkingbird November 10 2007, 23:15:25 UTC
"No way, you're staying there. And the distinguished part only works for men. When women get grey hair, we just look 'old'."

Kate then headed over to the door, and was about to head downstairs when she noticed a waitrat. She flagged it down, and learned she could get food brought to the room. So there was a small order of sandwiches and soup with crackers placed. And some apple juice.


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:22:22 UTC
He opens his mouth to contradict her, but worries that would only cause a different sort of trouble, so keeps mentally reviewing the parts he can remember of last night, its not a lot.

In the end, he picks up a book on his bedside table, not even to read it, just to have something in his hands while he tries to figure things out since he's been gone so long.


nothawkingbird November 10 2007, 23:26:35 UTC
It didn't take long for the order to be taken care of, so Kate waited until the waitrat returned with a tray of food. She took it, and brought it into the room. Laying it on any hard surface or counter she can find that would support its weight.

"Here, you want to try some soup and juice first? And then see about a sandwich or a half of one?"


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:28:10 UTC
He's got a bedside table and happily puts the book back down,

"Aye, soup sounds lovely, canna 'member when I last ate properly, we've been so busy."


nothawkingbird November 10 2007, 23:33:09 UTC
Kate sighed, "Remind me to really give you hell when you're well enough to spar again. No wonder you got sick. That time period was bad enough for illness without you helping them by not taking care of yourself."

She brought over some soup and crackers. And poured some apple juice in a glass with a straw.

"You're used a straw before right?" She asked, "I know you've been here longer than me, but not sure how much up you are with all our modern technology."


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:36:31 UTC
He just flushed at that,

"Well, 'less we do it na one else will an dinna get sick that often, truly. Um aye, saw one my first night when 'ad a milkshake."

Then he puts his head down and just starts eating the soup, still working out what to ask,

"I 'ope I didna cause ye too much trouble yester eve?"


nothawkingbird November 10 2007, 23:42:24 UTC
Kate just replied with a wave of her hand, "You were feverish, It's to be expected, you didn't know what you were saying."

She added with her usual bluntness, "Though I'll admit you're not going to win any patient of the year awards."


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:44:10 UTC
That's actually not very comforting to Will since it makes him wonder what he said that she's just brushing off so quickly,

"Oh aye, forgive me, just na sick very often is all, but I'll be good an rest."


nothawkingbird November 10 2007, 23:53:23 UTC
"Like I said, you were out of it. Not like you meant any of it, right? Be silly to think so." More like afraid to think he was being honest.

"Good, you need a lot of rest, and a few more of days of it, I'm sure."


will_scarlett November 10 2007, 23:55:30 UTC
"Um aye, course, after all been gone for a few weeks at 'ome so..."

Will has no idea how to finish that sentence without somehow making things worse, so opts to not try though he does wish she'd tell him what he said.


nothawkingbird November 10 2007, 23:59:09 UTC
"Right, hence saying how you missed me. To be expected to miss a friend you haven't seen in a while." She did miss her teammates and friends from home after all. Kate picked up the bottle of juice, and fiddled with it as she stood nearby.


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 00:02:12 UTC
"Oh aye, course I missed ye, always enjoy talkin' to ye an bein' with ye."

He relaxes a little bit though he can't help watching her fiddling with the juice and trying to be helpful, takes it from her, opening it.


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