My new toy...

May 12, 2016 20:04 a shiny, shiny toy.

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I recorded this the day before Free Comic Book Day, for which I dressed as Rey, carried the lightsaber on my belt, and had a marvelous time letting children turn it on ( Read more... )

vlog, star wars, sometimes i play with toys

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Comments 13

eve11 May 13 2016, 01:45:14 UTC

lol at your haunted lightsabre!


wiliqueen May 13 2016, 01:57:32 UTC
I forgot to add that the exact same thing had happened to Jessica Chobot on Nerdist News a couple days before. The segment ended with her looking stricken, holding the saber up to her ear, and going "Did I break it??"


studiesinlight May 13 2016, 04:14:53 UTC
>"...that would be entirely appropriate.< /em>"

~laughing and laughing and laughing~


wiliqueen May 13 2016, 13:08:05 UTC
Most tragic flaws do seem to boil down to that sooner or later. His in particular... :-)


bktheirregular May 13 2016, 16:40:04 UTC
Well, it's the Legacy Saber, so it kind of makes sense that it comes with a shed-load of baggage, right? :)


wiliqueen May 13 2016, 19:39:11 UTC
Indeed. And Anakin's baggage is... special. :-)


evil_overlord May 13 2016, 19:56:20 UTC

I came across this site....oh a few weeks ago, I think? It's been fairly recently, and I'm like "I REALLY REALLY want one!!" My sadness is that I'm probably going to go with a saber staff [because let's face it, Darth Maul made those things look SO TOTALLY COOL!!], and most of the hilts for those are kind of plain. [no, my SW:TOR Sith Warrior totally doesn't have the rapier-styled lightsaber hilt.....*shifty eyes*]

I understand why they're so expensive....while I'd love to have one I don't see it happening for awhile. *heavy sigh*

And OooooOoooo....haunted saber!!!!


wiliqueen May 13 2016, 21:08:02 UTC
I dearly, dearly want Rey's own saber, when she builds it, to be a staff. :-) I hadn't looked at the double-bladed styles at UltraSabers -- I wonder if there are engineering reasons they don't have the strong design variations they have in the single-blade ones? I mean, the most distinctive of the latter are based on canon designs, but there's certainly nothing plain about Maul's staff.

As much as I'm a rapier person, I have trouble imagining using a lightsaber with a knuckle guard. Seems like it would make it hard to switch between one- and two-handed use, and the two-handed kendo-derived techniques are too integral to SW in my head. But I never played Knights of the Old Republic, and don't know what that options looked like. I may be imagining it entirely wrong.

I've been putting it off for a long, long time. :-)


evil_overlord May 14 2016, 05:26:06 UTC
XD Okay, maybe sort of rapier-like. It's the Descendant's Heirloom Saber, got lucky and found a pic here [gotta page down a little bit], the "guard" actually curves up towards the lightsaber blade as opposed to down over the hand. There *are* styles in TOR that have what I guess is *supposed* to be a guard that runs down the pommel, but it looks way too awkward and dumb to me so I really avoid those [my Sith Warrior also has *GASP* does my Jedi Knight...I think it's beyond impractical to jump and fight in what essentially looks like a skirt, which more often than not the robes look like :P ( ... )


wiliqueen May 14 2016, 13:31:27 UTC
Descendant's Heirloom Saber, got lucky and found a pic

Okay, that looks cool.

If you click on "Build Your Own Lightsaber," they do have couplers that seem to be pretty universal, so you could combine two of the hilts that are sold as single blade sabers into something fancier. So I think the reason is just that there are too many possible combinations, and they decided to to go with the more streamlined ones for the prepackaged double blade models.

It's interesting -- the first part of Rey's fight with Kylo, she's very clearly operating like a staff fighter adapting to a new weapon one move at a time. After she connects with the Force on the cliff edge, her technique shifts radically, and there are several sections where the choreography is almost identical to Luke driving Vader back in the throne room. So I'm pretty sure she can and will learn to handle a single saber just fine. My ideal would actually be to see her use a convertible one à la Ventress, so she can switch between staff, single weapon, and double weapon styles.


maiac May 15 2016, 22:37:53 UTC
Talking light saber! Good grief, don't give Disney any (more) ideas!

...So now, you're not a Babe with a Broadsword, you're a Lady with a Lightsaber.


wiliqueen May 15 2016, 23:59:21 UTC
Oh, my broadsword isn't going anywhere. But the lightsaber will definitely see more use for the foreseeable future. :-)


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