Title: Eight Times River Dreamed/Spoke/Rhymed in Color and Two Times Mal Understood Her (4/8)
Author: wildalyss
Claim: 1: River & Mal
Prompts: #04:
green (theme02), #04:
truth (gen09)
Rating: PG
Summary: River and Mal have a series of discussions while aboard Serenity.
Disclaimer: Firefly is property of Joss Whedon.
Author Notes: A Gen fic, about River and Mal ; Haven’t written Firefly in so long but here it goes. Feedback is helpful! Let me know what you guys think
It's dinnertime on board but only River and Mal have made it to the table. He hears the crew mucking around, fixing their stations before they settle in for the meal. It's been weeks since they had their first nighttime encounter. He decides, during their last meeting, that if she were a ghost she'd haunt him until he meets his end. But lucky for him she's human, and pretty sure the bounty on her head will end them at the same time.
Course he doesn't wish that for her. Not if he can help it.
"Truth," she speaks breaking the sounds of utensils on plates, "I hate green vegetables."
He laughs as the rest of the crew approaches the kitchen, and continues eating.