Hey! So, parts of this were written a while back. I've written a comment on it here and there in [square brackets]. I'd also like to point out that if you read all of this word-for-word, I won't just be impressed, I'll be scared. Because in that case you MUST be stalking me. Begin LONG UPDATE
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Comments 18
sounds like fun times though
Actually, I answer that exact question in response to another comment on this post. Mostly Gmail history, other peoples' journals, and online forums I've posted in.
What was it about "V for Vendetta" did you find hard to believe? I really enjoyed the film as well.
It was all just a little over the top, getting moreso at the end. Even with a metal vest, he would not have been able to do what he did in the movie, even accepting the story of heightened agility, etc. But it was a fun movie.
How tall are you, anyhow? Obviously shorter than 6'5. :D I really wish I was taller ... I have a superlong torso, but short legs. Some weird-assed thing when I was growing up, my tendons grew slower than my bones, and my legs suffered from it (theory). I'm 6'1, but I wonder if I could've been 6'4 or so otherwise.Well, you're taller than me. I'm 5'11" (and Carl claims I'm less than that, but I hold to my statement). He called that short! That's not short ( ... )
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