[fic] A Welcome Arrow Through The Heart

Apr 29, 2008 00:03

EDIT: This fic has been revised and expanded into the first chapter of Something To Hold Onto, which you can read here!

Title: A Welcome Arrow Through The Heart
Word count: 2221
Pairing: Jet/Zuko
Rating: A rather hard R
Summary: Azula and her friends were gone. The Avatar was dead. Uncle had left to attend to his own business, a white lotus tile he'd pressed into Zuko's palm the only hint of his intentions. So when Jet had asked a third time if Zuko would join his freedom fighters, it hadn't been much of a choice.
Note: It started with a drawing, and...yeah. All downhill from there. Thanks to jlh for assuring me this wasn't too stupid to post. Thanks also to foxysquid for her suggestion of a universe in which Jet never saw Iroh Firebend his tea, which inspired all of this nonsense.
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