Fandom: The Dark is Rising
For: Will/Bran oneshot for fanworkathon
Quality: Checked over once
Characters: Owen, Mrs. Stanton, Will, Bran
"I'm glad you could have him for Christmas," Owen said. There was a rather harried, embarassed look on his face. "He's a good lad -- he'll be no trouble. I hope it won't feel like an intrusion, though. I never thought -- "
"Come on," Will whispered to Bran, ignoring what Owen was saying to his mother. "Let's go. Mum will keep him talking for hours, and you've said goodbye already. You'll have to come and meet the tribe sometime if you're going to spend Christmas with us, you know."
Bran snorted softly. "Are you accusing me of being shy, Stanton?"
"I wouldn't blame you, with my family," Will muttered. He grabbed Bran by the wrist, tugging him off, when he still seemed reluctant. "Come on. Mum'll call you back when he's going, I bet. You can meet the twins right now -- Max hasn't arrived yet, the girls are all out shopping... Stephen might not make it back after all. And James has a girlfriend and is terribly busy feeling her up with a box of books blocking the door."
"Your big brother won't be here?"
"Apparently." Will shrugged slightly, as if it didn't matter, though he did sigh. "I wish you could meet him."
"Maybe I still will. Let's go meet these brothers of yours, anyway."