TF: Like a Puppet on a String

Nov 30, 2010 16:29

Rating: PG-13
Series: G1
Pairings: Shockwave/Ratchet
Summary: Ratchet struggles to come to terms with what Shockwave has done.
Warnings: Dark.
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For the tf_rare_pairing  November challenge.  Prompt chosen was Puppet Master.  Because with the pairing I’d chosen, how could I not choose that?
Set in the same series as Experiments in Emotion , With Time and Distance  and Celebrate Good Times… Or Not.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

Ratchet shifted restlessly.  He couldn’t recharge, not here.  Even though his systems were demanding he power down and recharge, he just couldn’t.  Not with Shockwave in the same room.
“Recharge.” Onlining his optics, Ratchet looked up to see Shockwave’s face hovering over him.
“I can’t.” He admitted, even as Shockwave’s order penetrated his systems, seemingly forcing his systems towards recharge.
“You can.” Shockwave shifted, pulling Ratchet against him.  Ratchet had no choice but to let himself be tugged into position, trying to ignore the flare in his spark at the simple touch.  Despite himself, Ratchet found himself relaxing against Shockwave, systems powering down until he eventually slipped into recharge.
“Much better…” Shockwave crooned, stroking Ratchet’s face.


Ratchet onlined slowly, systems aware of a warm chassis next to his.  Instinctively, he curled towards it, seeking the warmth.  His spark pulsed happily at having its mate so close.  He stretched out, plastering himself along the frame next to him, chirring happily as he felt an arm encircle him.  Still not quite online, he nuzzled against the chest plating, smiling as he felt an engine rumble in response.

Abruptly, all his systems came online and he remembered exactly where he was and exactly who he was snuggling up against.  Pushing away from Shockwave, he slipped off the berth, staring accusingly at Shockwave.  The Decepticon merely sat up and returned Ratchet’s glare calmly.
“Stop it!” Ratchet snapped.
“Stop what?  If I am not mistaken, it was you who started it.”
“Frag off!  I can feel you.” Ratchet tapped his windscreen.  “I shouldn’t be able to feel you.  You shouldn’t have forced a spark bond on me.”
“There is no point dwelling on the past, Ratchet.” Shockwave stood up, slowly walking towards Ratchet, who backed up until he hit the wall.
“Leave me alone.” He muttered, but his voice was getting weaker the closer Shockwave approached.
“You don’t want to fight me, Ratchet.”
“I don’t…” Ratchet repeated slowly, before shaking his head.  “You’re doing it again!”
“Doing what?”
“Controlling me, stop it!” Ratchet side-stepped along the wall, trying to get away from Shockwave.
“I’m not doing anything, Ratchet.” Every time Shockwave said his name, Ratchet was sure he could feel his free will ebbing away.  It was as though Shockwave had control over his systems without him being aware of it.
“Get away from me!” Ratchet shouted as Shockwave drew ever closer.
“Very well, Ratchet.  I have to work now.  But I will be back once I’m finished.” Shockwave looked at Ratchet for a moment before turning and leaving the room.


Ratchet paced the room.  This was what happened every time he onlined.  Or so it seemed.  He’d online, Shockwave would be there, and depending on how his systems were manipulated (because he was sure that was what was happening), depended on what happened.  Sometimes, it was like it had been this morning; Ratchet would fight and Shockwave would leave.  Sometimes, they would end up interfacing and Ratchet could almost convince himself that it was like it was in the past.  And sometimes he wished he wouldn’t online at all.

By the time Shockwave came back to the room he’d locked Ratchet in, it was late.  He unlocked the door and stepped inside.  Ratchet hadn’t bothered turning the lights on, or perhaps he had and had turned them off to recharge.
“Ratchet?” His voice seemed to echo in the room.  He turned his head, trying to pinpoint Ratchet, not wanting to turn the lights on and potentially disturb him.

Eventually, his sensors found Ratchet, curled up behind the berth like a sparkling.
“Ratchet…” He knelt down next to his bondmate, resting a hand on his shoulder.  Ratchet lifted his head, dull blue optics meeting Shockwave’s.
“What have you done to me?” Ratchet’s voice was broken and that took Shockwave by surprise.  Throughout everything, Ratchet had fought, whether he realised it or not, and Shockwave delighted in the fire the medic was showing.  Now, however, it seemed he might have gone too far.
“You know what I have done.  And you know the reasons I did it.” He answered just as softly.
“A forced spark bond.  Because you love me.” Ratchet spat out the word love, clearly not believing that Shockwave cared for him.
“I do love you.  In time you will see that, Ratchet.” He reached out and cupped Ratchet’s cheek.
“All I see is a mech who wants to regain what he lost.” Ratchet snapped, but he didn’t move away from Shockwave’s touch.
“Isn’t that what we all want?” Shockwave asked.  Ratchet didn’t answer.

ratchet, rare pairings, tf, shockwave, challenge

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