TF (OC): Searchin’

Jan 03, 2008 13:39

Rating: PG
Series: G1
Summary: This is the back-story for my OC Tracer; a tracker, fresh out of the Academy, joins a Search and Rescue team in the midst of the war. Mentored by Hound she joins Red Alert’s team in the years before the Autobots set out to search for more sources of energy
Warnings: Erm… none really, at least not in this part
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten… After having had this sat on my computer for far too long… and having undergone many edits and rewrites, I’m actually daring to post this! Hah… I’ve got an OC… and I’ve realised how much harder it is to integrate on OC into a canon universe rather than AU’s... although this probably counts as slightly AU - I think everything I do is AU :)
Feedback makes friends. Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

“Got a little challenge for you Tracer.” Tracer looked up warily at her mentor.
“Like what?”
If you can find me, then we know you’re ready.” Hound smiled down at the blue Minibot by his side, watching as she comprehended what he had just said.
“You mean…?”
“Yup.  But you have to find me first.”
“Hah.  Easier than taking energon from a sparkling!”


“A bit over zealous isn’t she?”  Ultra Magnus nodded thoughtfully in answer to the question by the mech. standing next to him.  They had stood and watched the interaction between mentor and student from the balcony above.
“She is, but from what Hound reports, Tracer would certainly be an asset to any unit.  Her tracking skills are second to none.  The only weakness she has is lack of strength if she were attacked.” 
“Which as a tracker she wouldn’t necessarily need.” Red Alert could see himself being drawn in to the careful trap Ultra Magnus had laid.  “That could easily be compensated for.”  He watched the slight figure as she moved impatiently while Hound was speaking to her.  It was evident that she was a tracker; the sensors sticking out from her helmet were obvious, but also the flawless efficient way she moved; a light easy rhythm that showed she would have a fast and manoeuvrable alt-mode.
“Fine.  If she can find Hound, I’ll have her on my team.”
“Wouldn’t think of assigning her anywhere else Red Alert.” Ultra Magnus smiled as innocently as he possibly could.  Sometimes schemes worked.


“Right, before we start, I’ll take you to meet your potential team leader.”
“Yup.”  Tracer reluctantly trudged after Hound; far more eager to actually be out and tracking than stuck inside meeting stuffy officers.  Hound led her to where Ultra Magnus and Red Alert stood waiting.  “Tracer, you know Ultra Magnus.”  Tracer nodded at the Second in Command of the Autobots, trying hard not to fidget.
“This is Red Alert.  His team works out in Sector G2.”  Tracer gave a small wave in his direction.
“We done now?”  Hound gave an apologetic smile to Ultra Magnus and Red Alert before nodding.
“We’re done.  You can entertain these two while I make my escape.”  Tracer barely managed to stop the groan from leaving her vocaliser as he patted her shoulder before leaving.
“So…” Ultra Magnus began.
“Yeah…” Tracer replied absently, trying to focus her sensors on Hound’s location, a faint frown crossing her faceplate as she realised she couldn’t.
“You do not speak to an officer like that.” Red Alert snapped, drawing Tracer’s attention away from her apparently malfunctioning sensors and back to the two mechs. standing with her.
“Heh.  Sorry Sir.” She smiled sheepishly up at them and answered the questions they asked easily, trying to ignore the fact that her sensors couldn’t detect anything beyond the edges of the building.

There was a brief pause and Ultra Magnus nodded to himself.
“Hound says he’s ready now and that we can remove the dampener.”  Tracer looked up at him in surprise.
“The fragger…” She muttered as Ultra Magnus reached down and plucked a small device off her shoulder.  So small, her external sensors hadn’t even registered its placement.  The muttered comment earned her a glare from Red Alert which she tried to ignore.  Ultra Magnus smiled down at her and swept a hand in front of himself.
“If you would care to lead the way?”   Relieved that she could now register more than the walls of the building on her sensors, she walked confidently towards the exit.


She stopped outside, simply standing and staring off into the distance, trying to get a reading on the direction Hound took.  She already knew he would have tried disguising his energy signature. If he’d pull the trick with the sensor dampener, he’d certainly try to do everything he could to evade detection.
“Well?” Red Alert asked, impatient for the demonstration to begin.
“Give me half a klik!” Tracer retorted, turning to face him down.  Or up, seeing as he was taller than her.  The downside with being a Minibot was that you ended up looking up to everyone.  The red and white mech. stared down at her, raising an optic ridge as he did so.  “Yeah, I know… don’t speak like that to an officer…” Pointedly, she turned her back on Red Alert, missing Ultra Magnus’ smile as she did so.  She didn’t miss Red Alert’s huff as he struggled for a response, but chose instead to concentrate on her sensors; readings filtering through the sensory projections on either side of her helmet.
“This way.” She said, transforming and speeding off into the distance.  Muttered exclamations followed her and it wasn’t long before she had Red Alert following her, berating her for rushing off like that.
“You want me to find him, then let me do it my way.” She snapped at him.  He throttled back slightly, and apologised.
“Did I just hear that right?” She heard Ultra Magnus ask over their shared frequency.  “Red Alert apologising?”
“Wait…” Tracer stopped suddenly, needing to be stationery to concentrate on the readings she was just picking up.  “I’m registering Decepticons heading for Hound’s location.”
“You know where he is?”
“Yes.  And he ain’t gonna detect the Decepticons until it’s too late.  His sensors aren’t built for that distance!”
“Red Alert?”
“I’m not getting anything Ultra Magnus.  Besides, there shouldn’t be any Decepticon activity in this area.  We wouldn’t have held the demonstration if we thought there might be an attack.”
“Will you believe me?  There’s six of them and they’re heading in his direction.”  She relayed the co-ordinates of Hound’s location to them.  “And one of them’s projecting a jamming signal.  I can’t get through to him on the comm.”
She didn’t wait any longer, speeding off in the direction she’d indicated towards Hound and the incoming Decepticons.
“Is she mad?” Red Alert asked Ultra Magnus as they tried their best to keep up as well as continually trying to contact the Academy and monitor their own sensors.
“Concerned maybe.” The 2IC mused.  “But then, so am I.  There shouldn’t be Decepticons in the area; we double-checked the perimeter readings before we set out.”


Pulling up and transforming, they found Tracer waiting at the edge of an abandoned building, crouching down low to keep out of sight.
“He’s not far from here and neither are the Decepticons.” She pointed.  “They’ll come in from that direction and by the time we see them, they’ll have already detected Hound, if they haven’t already.”
“She’s right…” Red Alert began to pick up the Decepticons on his sensors.  Tracer turned and gave him a look that said ‘I told you so’ before straightening up and addressing Ultra Magnus.
“We need to help him… Sir.”
“Agreed, but there are only the three of us.  Communications are still being blocked so we can’t call reinforcements.  Suggestions?”  Ultra Magnus looked at Red Alert.
“We need to alert Hound to the situation.  But we don’t have enough time to get to him before the Decepticons arrive.”  Tracer stared in the direction she knew the Decepticons to be coming in from.
“We can get to him, and you’re right, there won’t be enough time to explain anything.  But he needs backup there.”
“Protocol dictates…” Red Alert began before Tracer interrupted him.
“Protocol won’t help Hound if they find him!” With that, she transformed, weaving through the deserted city towards Hound’s location, determined to get to her mentor before the Decepticons did.  Grateful that her sensors were more sensitive than the Decepticons were, she was able to pinpoint Hound’s exact location and would hopefully be able to warn him before the Decepticons spotted him.  Processor focussed on her sensors, she registered the instance the Decepticons appeared on Hound’s sensors; how he dropped the holographic disguise he’d been projecting and raised his rifle in preparation for a fight.  Transforming immediately, she ducked instinctively as he fired at the tetrajets as they flew low and fast over the city, moving closer when he stopped.
“What the Pit are they doing here?” He asked as she joined him and drew her gun.
“Joining in?”
“Who asked them to join the party?” Hound muttered as they moved to a more sheltered location as three more Decepticon tetrajets flew overhead.
“No idea.  Red Alert keeps going on about how they shouldn’t even be in the area.” She waved back towards where she had left Ultra Magnus and Red Alert.  ”Regardless of what I told him…” She added, pausing as they took aim at the Seekers as they banked, sending a stream of laser fire in their direction.
“He’s right.  Wouldn’t have scheduled this test if we thought there was going to be activity in this area.”
“Well someone’s information is wrong!” Tracer snapped back, barely dodging the laser fire aimed at them.  “We’ve not got the firepower to win this Hound.  There’s too many of them.”
“They’re blocking our comms.
“I know that!”
“Which one?”  She paused, scanning the skies.
“I can’t tell… there’s too much interference.”
“Down!”  A concussion bomb threw them both off their feet, Hound’s warning coming a fraction too late.  Tracer landed heavily on her back, chassis protesting against the impact.  Muttering curses under her vocaliser, she managed to climb to her feet, under cover fire provided by Ultra Magnus and Red Alert who had made their way over after the bomb had detonated.
“We need reinforcements.” Red Alert said, looking over to Ultra Magnus who was helping Hound to his feet.
“My sensors aren’t calibrated for that sort of detection.  Tracer’s are.”
“I can’t get a fix.  There’s too much interference, too much noise.  I can’t concentrate.”  Red Alert’s hand landed on her shoulder, pulling her out of the way of laser fire before she heard his voice next to her audios.
“Work through the noise.  Believe me, I know what it’s like, but you can and you will do it.  Just concentrate on scanning and we’ll keep the Decepticons occupied.”
“Sir…” Cutting through the interference and noise to get a clear reading was difficult, but somehow she managed it, pinpointing the seeker emitting the jamming field.  Aiming carefully Tracer fired, the others following suit and together they brought the seeker down to the ground with a trail of smoke.


While they waited for reinforcements, they hunkered down amongst the remaining debris, hoping that the Decepticons would give up and be on their way.  Luck wasn’t on their side however and the remaining Decepticons kept up a random pattern of fire that kept the Autobots on guard until reinforcements arrived.  Five against four were not good odds, particularly with the Seekers having an aerial advantage.  They swooped and shot across the sky above the city, engines screaming and lasers searing the ground.  It was all the Autobots could do to avoid getting hit by the barrages, let alone fire back.  When the reinforcements arrived, the additional forces meant that it was a simple matter to drive the tetrajets away.  As they were escorted back to the Academy, they argued over the presence of the Decepticons in the sector; Red Alert lamenting the evidently poor security perimeter sensors and Ultra Magnus defending them.  Thankful that the discussion hadn’t turned to her performance, Tracer kept quiet.
“You okay kid?”
“I’m fine Hound.  Just a few servos out of place, that’s all.” It wasn’t technically a lie; the dive she’d taken as a result of the concussion bomb had damaged circuits and servos, but that was only minor damage really.


After they reached the Academy and had been examined and repaired, Tracer found herself standing outside one of the meeting rooms, trying hard not to listen in to the conversation going on inside.
“She’s impetuous.”
“She lacks experience, that’s all.”
“I don’t want her compromising the safety of my team.”
“I doubt that’d happen.”
“Besides, you have to admit, she is good.”
“Tracking skills not withstanding, she has an attitude problem that needs dealing with.”
“And you’re just the mech. to deal with it Red Alert.”

Outside, she could hear Red Alert reply in the negative and suddenly realised that any chance of a long term assignment had disappeared as soon as she’d back-talked Red Alert and sped off without waiting for them.  She slumped in a chair in the corridor, despondent.  She looked up as the door slid open and Red Alert stepped out.  Jumping up, she knew she at least had to thank him for his help earlier.
“Excuse me, sir?”  Red Alert stopped and stared at her.  Stammering she thanked him.  “I just wanted… I mean, I needed… oh frag it… Thanks for the help you gave me earlier… Sir.”  Red Alert relaxed and he smiled at her.
“Thanks is not necessary.” He replied before turning and walking off down the corridor.  Tracer looked up to see Hound leaning against the now closed door.
“I blew it, right?” Hound shook his head and set off down the corridor in the same direction as Red Alert had taken.  Tracer paused for a moment before running to keep up with her mentor.
“Hound?”  She pleaded as she caught up with him.
“You found me.”
“I did, but I also disobeyed orders and froze in the middle of a fire fight.”
“And the fact that you recognise that means that we finally get rid of you.”  Tracer stopped dead in the corridor.
“You mean I didn’t blow it?”
“Red ain’t too keen on you, but he can see potential.  Besides, Red ain’t too keen on anyone, that’s what makes him good at his job.”
“I don’t believe it…” She murmured.
“Believe it kid.  You got a team now.” He handed her a datapad.  “There’s your confirmation and instructions.  You ship out in the morning.”
“Oh Primus…” She exhaled quietly, a smile blossoming on her faceplate.


Part Two

searchin', tf, oc

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