TF: A Medic Knows Everymech

May 16, 2016 15:50

Rating: PG13
Series: G1
Pairings: Technically, Ratchet and Astrotrain, Megatron, Starscream,  Thundercracker, Skywarp, Soundwave, Jazz, Hound, Ironhide and Red Alert/ Optimus Prime, Jazz/Wheeljack, Hound/Jazz.  But this is me and rare pairings, so… squint if you wish?
Warnings: Little bit of torture, nothing explicit
Prompt: All the prompts… no, not quite: transport; communication; “Hello old friend.”; the mech in charge; sticks and stones; “The bigger they are…”; whips and chains; “Is there a doctor in the house?”; guilt; “Does it go BOOM?”; sabotage; follow the leader; partners in crime; cold hands, warm spark; wrong way out; home
Summary: Ratchet’s met many mechs over the course of his life so far.  A short story told through prompts of him meeting some mechs again.  Unfortunately, not all encounters go as well as the first ones.
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Author’s Notes: Written for the tf_rare_pairing 2016 March Winds of Change challenge.  I didn't quite make it in time for the challenge (and didn't actually claim anything), but here, have fic...
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.
Font Used: Chinacat

Ratchet knew everyone before the war.  At least, that’s what it felt like sometimes.  He’d had his hands in the internals of over half the population of Cybertron at some point.  The downside of being one of the best medics on the planet.
This though, this was a completely different experience of having his hands inside a mech.  This was him chained up in Astrotrain’s hold, being transported to Primus only knew where.  Though Ratchet had an inkling it was to a Decepticon stronghold where he would either be interrogated or ‘persuaded’ to change factions.  It wasn’t the first time he’d been attacked and kidnapped, and it likely wouldn’t be the last.  Again, the downside of being one of the best medics on the planet.
“I suppose you won’t answer me if I ask where we’re going?” He called out, knowing full well that Astrotrain would be able to hear him.
“Darkmount.” Came the response and Ratchet cycled his optics, not having expected a response.
“Oh, that can’t be good.” Ratchet muttered, mostly to himself.
“Not for you it won’t be.” Ratchet raised his head as Astrotrain spoke again.
“I’m sure it won’t be.” Ratchet settled himself a little more comfortably, chains clinking as he moved.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
“You helped me once, a long time ago.”
“Mmmm… I remember…”
“You do?”
“Not many triple-changers around, mechs like that tend to stick in the processor.” Ratchet examined the cuff around his wrist as he spoke.  “I hope the panels I replaced didn’t cause you any problems?  I know I was worried that it wasn’t the same grade as your other panels.”
“No, they’ve been fine.” Astrotrain did a little wiggle in the air, as if to prove the panels were still fine, causing Ratchet to slide a little and grab hold of the chains binding him.
“I’m glad.”
“Still hate doing this though.  It’s not nice when it’s a mech I know.”
“Tell me about it.” Ratchet leant back against the wall… Astrotrain’s interior… and sighed.


“Optimus… it’s been two joors since a communication from Ratchet.” Red Alert stated, handing a datapad to Optimus Prime.
“That’s not unusual…” Optimus mused, looking over the datapad.
“Not unusual no, the mech doesn’t understand how vital constant communication is.”
“Decepticon sightings in the area?” Optimus highlighted a point on the datapad.
“Yes, that’s what has me worried.  And I haven’t been able to raise him on the comm.” Red Alert wrung his hands together.
“That’s not good.  It’s unlike Ratchet to not answer his comm.”
“Exactly.  I suggest we think about mounting a rescue party.  Who knows what the Decepticons will do to Ratchet.”
“It doesn’t bear thinking about…” Optimus agreed, contacting Prowl and Jazz to request a planning meeting.


Once he’d been settled in his new ‘accommodation’, Ratchet had been left alone.  He took the time to catalogue his damage, which thankfully wasn’t much.  Though, he was sure he’d have far more damage by the time he was rescued.  Provided of course that they knew he was missing.  He had been travelling on his own, but he’d missed at least one check-in, and knowing Red Alert as well as he did, the mech would have pointed that out.  It just depended whether any action was taken.  He vented a sigh, hating that he’d managed to get into the habit of not always checking in.
Footsteps outside the cell door brought him out of his musings, and he looked up to see Megatron standing the other side of the electrified bars.
“Hello old friend.” Megatron smiled.
“I wish I could say I was glad to see you, but under the circumstances…” Ratchet hauled himself to his feet and moved closer to the bars.
“I admit, this was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”
“To capture me?” Ratchet scoffed.  “It’s been done before.”
“True.  But this time, we will get information from you.”
“You know me better than that Megatron.  You know I’m not going to tell you anything.  Regardless of what you do to me.”
“Oh, dear Ratchet, you might think you’re strong enough to resist…” With a smirk, Megatron turned and left Ratchet alone once more.  He resisted the urge to lash out at the bars and call Megatron back to find out what the mech had planned.  With that smirk, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.


“Up.” Ratchet onlined his optics to see Megatron standing at the bars to his cell.
“Another visit so soon?”
“Come with me.”
“Quite happy here, thank you.” Ratchet made a show of stretching his legs out and settling down more comfortably.  The bars deactivated with a fizzle and Megatron stepped into his cell.
“Unwise to annoy the mech in charge, Ratchet.”
“You know me, Megatron, I seem to make a habit of annoying everyone.” Ratchet tipped a shoulder in a shrug.
“You do not annoy everyone.” Megatron reached out and grasped Ratchet’s shoulder, hauling him to his feet easily.  “And you most certainly do not annoy me.”
“Considering you’ve captured me, and you’re no doubt going to interrogate me, I’d say I’d done a pretty good job of annoying you.”  Megatron growled and shoved Ratchet out of the cell.
“This way.” He led Ratchet down the corridor.
“For the mech in charge, I wouldn’t have thought you’d be pulling escort duty.” Ratchet remarked.
“Ah, but you’re a privileged prisoner.” Megatron snarked right back, causing Ratchet to smile, despite the situation.
“Nice to know I’m that important.”


It was just as he’d expected; Megatron had led him to an interrogation room.  What he hadn’t been expecting was to see Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp standing there.  A shiver passed through his spark, thankfully not translating to his frame.  This didn’t bode well.
“Ratchet.” Starscream stepped forward and smirked.  Ratchet was thrown for a brief moment by that smirk, so reminiscent of when he’d first met the Seeker, a lost, scared mech, haunted by the loss of his lover and using overconfidence as a shield.
“Starscream.” He tipped his chin at Starscream, not making a sound as Thundercracker and Skywarp chained him up.  He was left standing, arms and legs chained to the floor so that he couldn’t move.  He tugged at his chains before realising it was futile.
“So…” Starscream drawled, taking a seat in front of Ratchet.
“You don’t look pleased to see me Starscream.” Ratchet interrupted him, gazing at the Seeker.  “That thruster still bothering you?  I told you I had the parts to fix it…”
“Shut up!”
“Now now… is that any way to behave to a mech you’re about to interrogate?”
“I’ll do more than that you rusty old glitch.”
“Sticks and stones may break my struts, but your words will never hurt me.  I’ve been called worse by worse mechs than you Starscream.” Starscream huffed and nodded to Thundercracker.


“You might regret saying that.” Thundercracker stepped forward.  Ratchet looked up at him.
“Why would I regret it?  I know you’re going to hurt me.” He shrugged, the movement arrested by the chains holding his arms.
“You know what they say, the bigger they are…”
“Yes, yes, the harder they fall.” Ratchet briefly offlined his optics.  “That assumes that I’m going to fall though.” He tugged the chains to emphasise his point.  Behind Thundercracker, Skywarp laughed.  Ratchet caught Starscream’s smirk out of the corner of his optic.
“You’ve always been the same.” Thundercracker mused.  “Always so sarcastic.  Always ready with the quick responses.”
“You never seemed to mind before.” Ratchet pointed out.  “I remember you liked having someone to verbally spar with.”
“That was then.” Thundercracker answered shortly.
“And now?”
“And now…” Thundercracker paused.  “Now I’m going to break you.”
“You mean you’re going to try.” Ratchet corrected, grunting as a fist impacted his stomach plating.


“It’s not working, TC.” Skywarp folded his arms over his cockpit and regarded their prisoner.  He could remember the medic from when he was a sparkling, before the war.  Could remember how gentle those hands were, nothing like they were now, gripping tight to the chains holding his arms, clenched in pain.
“No.  You’re right.” Thundercracker stepped back, flexing his hand.  Energon painted his knuckles, but more coated Ratchet’s frame, dripping sluggishly from the dents Thundercracker had inflicted.
“Let  me guess…” Ratchet rasped.  “You think you can do better?”
“I can do it differently.” Skywarp grinned.  “That’s what I think…”
“Oh really?”
“Yes.” Skywarp produced an electrowhip.
“Didn’t think you were into that youngling.” Ratchet scoffed, but Skywarp could see the minute shiver of his plating.
“Oh, I’m into all sorts of things old mech.” Skywarp flicked the whip, charge crackling along its length.  Ratchet’s optics followed the whip as he moved it.  Skywarp twisted his wrist and the whip snapped out to hit Ratchet’s thigh plating.  Charge danced along his armor and he flinched.
“That all you got?” He dared, static lacing his voice.
“Oh no, I’ve got much more than that…” Skywarp grinned, lashing out and scoring a line across Ratchet’s windshield, the glass webbing as the charge dissipated.


“Ratchet…” Ratchet onlined his optics at the sound of his name.
“Oh, it’s you…. Come to see what damage your underlings have managed?” He rasped, hating the sound of his vocaliser, but Skywarp had wrung more screams out of him than he thought he would.
“I already know what damage they caused.” Megatron waved a hand at the camera in the corner of the room.
“So you also know that I didn’t break.”
“For a given definition of break…” Megatron smirked, stepping closer to Ratchet and running a finger down one of the jagged tears in his plating.  Ratchet flinched.  “You need repairs… Is there a doctor in the house?”
“Frag off.” Ratchet snarled.
“Now now, is that any way to speak to me?
“I’ll speak to you however I want.”
“I suppose you can.  But I’ll only let you get away with so much Ratchet.”
“Until I’m rescued.”
“You think they’ll rescue you?”
“I know they will.  See, unlike Decepticons, Autobots value their comrades.” Ratchet received a backhanded slap round the face for that remark.  He brought his hands up to defend himself, but was stopped short by the chains.
“So feisty.” Megatron grinned.  “I shall certainly enjoy having you around.”
“You won’t have me around for much longer.” Ratchet vowed.
“We shall see…”


“Ratchet…” Ratchet onlined his optics at the sound of his name.  He’d sunk to his knees, unable to do much more with the chains that bound him.  Soundwave was standing in the doorway to the interrogation room.
“Soundwave.” His vocaliser still sounded staticky and he made a mental note that he’d likely need to recalibrate it once he got out of here.
“Ratchet functional?” Soundwave asked, stepping forward and holding out a cube of energon.  Ratchet couldn’t help the way he needily reached for it.
“I’m still here, aren’t I?” He took a small sip of the energon, tanks gurgling as they started the conversion process.  It sounded like he’d also need to repair that.
Soundwave crouched down and undid one of the chains, allowing Ratchet a little more movement with one arm.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Soundwave remembers Ratchet’s kindness.”  Ratchet took another sip of his energon.  Since he’d met Soundwave, he’d been the only medic that the cassette master would allow to treat his cassetticons.  Until the war started of course.  Well, rather, until Ratchet chose the Autobots.
“So you feel guilty?” Ratchet asked, downing the rest of the cube, heedless of what warning messages his systems were giving him.
“Not guilt.  Compassion.” Soundwave corrected, handing over another cube.  Ratchet took it and nodded.
“Well, whatever it is, thank you.” He raised the cube in a toast before downing it.


“Okay mech, whatcha got for me?” Jazz sauntered into Wheeljack’s laboratory.
“Plenty.  Anything to get Ratchet back.” Wheeljack missed his best friend.  Jazz wrapped an arm around Wheeljack’s shoulder.
“I promise ya, I’ll get Ratch’ back.” He leant closer and kissed Wheeljack on his blastmask.
“I know you will.  And hopefully, some of these will help.” Reluctantly, Wheeljack pulled away from the comfort Jazz provided.  Jazz rubbed his hands together eagerly.
“Alrighty then, what we got?”
“Well, this is my newest project…” Wheeljack held up a small square device with a big red button, extolling the virtues of what it could do.
“Does it go BOOM?” Jazz asked, spreading his arms wide as he spoke.
“Oh, it’ll certainly provide you with a distraction.” Wheeljack grinned, handing it over to Jazz.


“Pssst… Ratchet.” Ratchet onlined his optics at the sound of his name, staring around as he realised there was no-one there.  He’d been left in the interrogation room, chained up, bar the one arm Soundwave had released.  He shook his head, thinking he must have been hearing things.  It wouldn’t be surprising - he’d been virtually starved of energon, except what Soundwave had snuck in to him, and his injuries hadn’t been repaired.  And with his low energy, his self-repair systems couldn’t start working on his injuries.
“Ratchet, up here.” A motion from one of the vents near the ceiling caught his optics and he glanced up.
“Don’t look too long…” Jazz cautioned quietly.  “Just wanted ta check how you were doing.”
“How does it look like I’m doing?” Ratchet rattled the chains meaningfully.
“Like yer holding yer own.” Jazz grinned through the vent.  “Sit tight, and we’ll have ya outta here soon.  Just got to set a little… distraction.”
“Courtesy of Wheeljack?” Ratchet asked with a small smile.
“Of course mah mech, of course.  Just let this little saboteur go do a little bit of sabotage… then I’ll be back fer ya.”


“Back for ya Ratch…” Jazz announced as the door swung open. As if Ratchet couldn't have guessed from the many small explosions he'd heard.  Jazz made short work of the chains binding Ratchet and helped the medic stand.
“Ya’d think they'd learn not ta touch our medics by now.”
“You'd think…” Ratchet agreed wearily, eagerly reaching for the field ration Jazz produced.
“Okay Ratch mah mech, time to play follow the leader.”
“Jazz, I think if I took more than two steps away from you, I might fall over.”
“Nah, yer made of stronger stuff than that.  You’re just a little under energised.”
“And more than a little damaged.” Ratchet finished the energon ration and dispersed the container.  His vents wheezed as he stepped towards the door.
“Well, ya can fix yerself up when we get back to base.”
“Something I’m looking forward to.  Can’t say I’ve been impressed with the hospitality here.”  Jazz barked a laugh.
“Now that’s the Ratch’ I know an’ love.” He slung an arm around Ratchet’s waist and helped him limp out of the interrogation room.


“Frag…” Ratchet stumbled and fell to his knees, dragging Jazz down with him.
“Ratch’?” Jazz twisted to help support the medic.  He glanced around, annoyed that they hadn’t managed to get further, but more concerned with Ratchet.
“I’ve lost motor control to my leg.” Ratchet grimaced, focussing on the reports his systems were giving him.  “Slagging Skywarp.” He muttered, settling down so he could access his leg.  Jazz looked around.
“You going to be able to do anything?”
“If I have a little time, I can get myself moving again.” Ratchet answered, even as he opened a panel and started fiddling with connections.
“We’ll get ya the time ya need.” Jazz promised, contacting Hound over comms.
“Hound ma mech, gonna need ya in here.”
“You’ve got Hound here?”
“O’course.  Got some of mah best mechs here for ya.”
“I’m honored.” Ratchet replied dryly, splicing wires to try and reroute motor control so he could actually move properly.
”Well, you know me an’ Hound, partners in crime an’ all that.” Ratchet looked up at Jazz.
“You’re partners in crime with everyone you know.”
“Ya got that right.” Jazz laughed, keeping watch as Ratchet worked.

Ratchet glanced up as somemech approached.  He froze as he immediately saw the Decepticon symbol.  He had no weapons, and he was currently immobile.  A sitting dynoduck.
“Calm down, Ratch’.” Jazz waved a hand at Ratchet.  “It’s jus’ Hound.”  Ratchet looked again and the mech shimmered, revealing the more recognisable (and welcome) sight of Hound.  Ratchet relaxed a little, turning back to attempting to repair himself with the scant equipment he had.
“Seems the ‘Cons got a bit more handsy with Ratchet than we figured they would.” Jazz explained.  “We’re gonna need a bit more of a distraction.”  Hound nodded.  “I’ll stay here then and let you go off and cause a distraction.  I’m sure Wheeljack gave you more than you needed.”
“Oh, you can bet he did.” Jazz grinned and disappeared down the corridor.


“Need a hand there Ratchet?” Hound asked, crouching down next to the medic.  He held out his field repair kit, in case there was anything Ratchet could use in there.
“Thanks.” Ratchet nodded and took the kit, opening it and selecting a tool.
“Dare I ask what happened?”
“Skywarp.” Ratchet paused, tool hovering over a cable.  “He had an electrowhip, and I think he’s shorted out several relays.”
“It wasn’t exactly my favorite use of an electrowhip, I have to admit.” He flinched at the sound of more explosions, then bit back a curse.
“It’s okay, Ratchet, I’ve got holograms set in place in case any ‘Cons come round here.  I expect Jazz is routing everyone away from here.”  The tool Ratchet had been using hit the floor, startling Hound, who looked back at Ratchet.  Ratchet was clutching his knee, energon staining the ground beneath him.
“Ratchet?” Kneeling down next to Ratchet, Hound wondered what he could do.  He had some experience in field repair, but the best was sitting next to him.
“He shorted out more than one fragging relay.” Ratchet ground out.  “I’ve lost fine motor control.  I can’t fix this.” He hissed the last sentence, hating that he was so vulnerable and so unable to help himself.
“Okay Ratchet, don’t worry, I can help.” He reached and picked the tool up.  “Tell me what you need me to do.” He rested his free hand on Ratchet’s.
“Frag, you have cold hands.” Ratchet muttered, moving his own hands out of the way so Hound could see what he was up against.
“You know what they say, cold hands, warm spark.” Hound shot a smile at Ratchet before leaning in to take a look.  Ratchet managed a weak smile back and started telling Hound what he needed to do.


“A’right mah mechs, let’s boogie on outta here.” Jazz announced his return with a flourish.  Hound and Ratchet looked up as he approached, Hound letting the hologram hiding them shimmer out of existence.
“Fit enough to go, Ratchet?” Jazz asked, crouching down in front of the medic.
“We’ve made enough repairs so I can hopefully make it out of here.  Not going to be able to transform though.”
“We’ve got a transport waiting at the pickup point.” Hound stood up, and both he and Jazz helped Ratchet to stand.  He wavered uncertainly before straightening and putting his weight on his damaged leg.  He nodded.
“Okay mechs, let’s roll.” Carefully, they made their way down the corridor, Jazz and Hound helping Ratchet.
They turned the corner and stopped.  Soundwave stood there, Ravage at his heels.  Jazz raised his weapon, but Ratchet reached to put a hand on his arm, staying the shot.
“Suggest, other route.” Soundwave pointed down another corridor.
“Yer saying that I picked the wrong way out?” Jazz questioned.
“Jazz… let’s just take his advice and go.” Ratchet pleaded.
“You trust him?”
“He helped me…” Ratchet shrugged.
“You did?” Hound looked at Soundwave, who nodded.
“Don’t think I’m gonna thank ya fer that, considerin’ the shape he’s in.” Jazz lowered his gun.  Soundwave watched as they moved slowly in the direction he’d indicated.


There was a small crowd to meet the rescue team.  Not that Ratchet was aware.  He’d slipped into recharge on the journey back, the energon they’d given him finally enough to kickstart his self-repair.

He didn’t stir when the transport landed.  Nor when Optimus Prime picked him up to carry him to the repair bay.  First Aid had protested that, saying the stretcher he’d brought was perfectly adequate, but Optimus had ignored him, need to feel for himself that Ratchet was safe and functioning.
Ratchet onlined to the sight of the ceiling of his own repair bay.  He groaned, scrolling through his system reports and cataloguing all the work that had been performed.
“Welcome home.” Ratchet turned his head to see Ironhide sitting at the side of his berth.
“Glad to be back.” Ratchet pushed himself to a sitting position, glad the static had disappeared from his vocaliser.  First Aid had done a sterling job.
“Ya had everyone worried.” Ironhide patted Ratchet’s shoulder.  “We’ve all been takin’ turns sitting with ya.”
“How long was I gone for?” Ratchet had had little idea of how long had passed, his chronometer being one of the things that had been disabled when he was captured.
“Too long.” Ironhide shrugged.  “Took us time ta find out where they’d taken ya, then plan the rescue and get ya back here.”
“Ratchet, how do you feel?” First Aid bustled over, checking on his mentor.
“Like I spent far too long with the Decepticons.” Ratchet answered wryly.  “But you did a fantastic job fixing me back up.” He could see First Aid preen a little at the praise, despite the mask and visor.
“You’re free to leave when you feel ready.” First Aid made a note on the datapad he was holding.  “Light duties for a couple of cycles to make sure all the repairs have integrated and you’re suffering no side-effects.” Ratchet nodded as First Aid spoke.
“Come on then…” Ironhide held out his hand.  “I’m sure there are plenty a mechs waitin’ ta see that you’re still alive.”


And I’m happy to leave it there I think… I had more prompts and pairings, but this works well enough as it is I hope

red alert, wheeljack, starscream, hound, optimus prime, tf, rare pairings, first aid, challenge, jazz, soundwave, skywarp, ratchet, thundercracker, megatron, ironhide

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