TF: Cat Nap

Jan 16, 2012 23:24

Rating: PG
Series: Movieverse
Characters: Ravage, Ironhide
Summary: Ravage and Ironhide find themselves in a compromising position
Warnings: Crack?
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: This is for the tf_rare_pairingweekly request prompt - Ravage/Ironhide - catnap.  Yay for original titles?
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

Ironhide onlined slowly, processors trying to make sense of what had happened.  Trouble was, he wasn’t exactly sure what had happened.  Which meant that figuring out what had happened was rather difficult.  As the rest of his sensors came online, he registered a weight on his chestplating.  Nothing too heavy, but definitely heavy enough to register through his thick plating.

Craning his neck, he stretched to see what was on him.  And then let his head thunk back down to the ground in disbelief.


Was napping on his chest plating.

Ravage, one of the deadliest Decepticons for his size, was napping on his chest plating.

On his chest plating!

He groaned.


Ravage stirred as he felt a slight vibration underneath him.  His processors booted up slowly and he stretched, claws digging in slightly.  It was then he realised that he was lying on armor plating.  Onlining his optic, he registered black paint.  Shifting ever so slightly, he tensed and he realised who he was lying on.


He was napping on Ironhide’s chest plating.

Ironhide, one of the most dangerous Autobot warriors and he was napping on his chest plating.

On his chest plating!

Ravage groaned.


“On the count of three, we both move, and forget this ever happened.” Ironhide rumbled.  “And no shooting.” It pained him to say that, but he wanted to leave with his dignity intact.  Well, what was left of his dignity.

Ravage nodded as Ironhide spoke.  He could get away faster than Ironhide could get up, of that he was sure, but he certainly didn’t want the Autobot shooting at him.

“One… two… three…” They both moved, Ravage jumping off and darting away without looking back, and Ironhide pulling himself to a sitting position.  He took stock of the damage he had and filed the memory of Ravage napping on him deep in his processors behind several coded firewalls.  Wouldn’t do for Ratchet to see that.


Ironhide lay on his berth, memory returning to the previous cycle.  He still had no memory of exactly what had led up to finding Ravage napping on his chest plating.

He still couldn’t believe that.

Ravage, fearsome Decepticon scout, napping on his chest plating.

On his chest plating!


Ravage nestled closer to Soundwave, grateful that his master was not away on a mission.  It was comforting to be close to him.  Which brought up the memory of napping on Ironhide’s chest plating.

He still couldn’t believe that.

Ironhide, dangerous weapon-toting Autobot, and he napped on his chest plating.

On his chest plating!

“Ravage?  Something wrong?” Soundwave’s question brought him out of his memories and he shook his head, unwilling to recount to anyone exactly what had happened.

ravage, rare pairings, ironhide, tf, oneshot

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