TF: Oh Hai!

May 16, 2011 16:17

Rating: PG13
Series: Shattered Glass
Pairings: Steeljaw/Ravage
Summary: Ravage pesters Steeljaw and gets a little more than he was expecting.
Warnings: Possibly dark/dub-con, though it’s all vague
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For the tf_rare_pairing  prompt - Steeljaw/Ravage - "Oh, hai! Let's play!"  This marks the first time I’ve written anything in this ‘verse.  I’ve rp’d once in it, but never written.  But the cats were too tempting!  So concrit would be appreciated, though I realise there’s not much to concrit on.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

Steeljaw had found the perfect location.  The weak sun warmed his plating and the rocks weren’t that uncomfortable.  Perfect.

Right up until a familiar shadow fell across his plating.
“Ceiling cat is watching you masturbate.” Steeljaw onlined one optic to stare up at Ravage.
“Frag off.” He realised the moment he spoke that he shouldn’t have.
“Oh hai!  Let’s play!” Ravage jumped on him, perching neatly on his stomach plating.  Steeljaw just rolled over, dislodging Ravage.
“Y so sad?” Ravage pawed at Steeljaw, undeterred by the growl the larger feline emitted.
“Leave me alone.” Steeljaw got to his feet, glaring at Ravage.  The white jaguar just grinned back.
“U r my friend.”
“I am not your anything.” Steeljaw growled, pointedly turning his back on Ravage and settling back down in the sun, hoping that Ravage would get the message and leave.

Alas, that was not to happen.

“Let’s play.” Ravage tried again, pawing at Steeljaw’s nose.  Steeljaw just growled.
“U no fun.” Ravage kept pawing at Steeljaw, hoping to elicit some sort of reaction out of the lion.  It was always more fun when Steeljaw reacted.
“You want fun?” Steeljaw growled, one paw trapping Ravage’s.  “I’ll show you the Autobot meaning of fun.”  Ravage barely had time to squeak as Steeljaw pounced.


Steeljaw deposited the offline, steaming chassis of Ravage at Blaster’s door before turning back to lie in the sun again.  An overload and the sun and a perfect spot.

And best of all?  No lolcat-speaking Decepticon to bother him.

ravage, rare pairings, tf, steeljaw

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