May 04, 2008 11:30

Regarding the trailer for next week's Who episode..... (not spoilery, but very very vague for my friends who aren't caught up.)

Holy crap! Tens of thousands of fanfic writers just ran screaming for their computers. And Russell just keeps toying with our minds. I mean, come on -- the hair? AUGH!

doctor who

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Comments 7

elvenlaughter May 4 2008, 18:00:33 UTC
*flails* haven't watched yet. Waiting so chocoholic and I can do it together, as we have for every episode so far. Can't wait, though! I wish I didn't have so much work to do today, because if I didn't, I could just chill and stuff... that would be fantastic.
But I do. So I can't.
I need to go write a short story or some other type of prose... gah.


elvenlaughter May 6 2008, 05:17:44 UTC
I'm not particularly happy with this development, actually. She's too "Buffy" in my mind.


tkurogrym May 6 2008, 06:48:54 UTC
I'll say this now that I know Tonks/Amelia have caught up -- but spoilers for anyone else who hasn't.

Too Buffy. Too irritating. Probably a clone of some sort (hence all the camera pans across Ten's hand-inna-jar). And even though the hair smacks of Rose ... well, Rose is hardly a natural blonde, I think. ;) I already don't like her, whoever she is, and am happily prepared to retcon her away if she's horrible. (Dalek Sec went the way of the retcon last season, and I'm much happier for it!)

Still, you're right. The fan-fodder in this is enormous. Gah.


wildcard_47 May 6 2008, 08:37:51 UTC
Yeah, I was thinking she had to be some sort of clone or embryonic child because of all the 'hand in a jar' shots. I'm also wondering why they chose to bring her into the picture now, as opposed to in other seasons whey they were really focusing on the Doctor's isolation from everything Time Lordian. Right now it all seems a little gimmicky to me.

Although, I'm willing to give the girl a tiny chance just for the mere fact that she's Peter Davison's daughter in real life. That way the whole thing is a sort of 'when life imitates art imitates life', perhaps? Barring that, I can retcon it all away like you mentioned -- retcon fixes everything!


tkurogrym May 7 2008, 00:35:40 UTC
I'm okay with more lonely!Doctor (Ten is "the lonely god," as I recall), and the H/C fan in me will cheerfully let him mourn his isolation for a few more seasons. But I am leery.

Still, you're right about the Peter Davison's bit. How charming is that? ;)

And,if all fails, retcon. Mmmmm, obliviousness...

(When did the journal get a new look? Am I just - well, oblivious? Looks good, either way.)


wildcard_47 May 7 2008, 14:31:26 UTC
Oh, thanks! The new look of the journal -- can't remember when that was, actually. :) Had to have been before I came overseas -- I think I just got terribly bored one day and started playing with fonts and wallpapers.


chocoholic47 May 6 2008, 18:26:18 UTC
I just watched it last night with elvenlaughter. GAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Seriously??? I'm inclined to agree with Grym's clone thingy theory....


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