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Comments 12

lz1982 May 30 2012, 21:29:47 UTC
TBH, I'm not normally much of a Lane fan (although I do like his current storyline), but I thought the voice here was very well-done. It really sounds like Lane, without being too "Look, I'm writing as a British guy!" if you know what I mean. In fact, I thought the minor characters were really well-written too--even Harry's one line sounded like him.


wildcard_47 May 30 2012, 23:59:15 UTC
Aw, thanks so much! I tried to make Lane's inner voice stiff and formal like an academic lecturer or news broadcaster -- give it clear British overtones -- but not make him into a walking Python sketch, haha.

I think Lane's character is interesting to me because he's a Walter Mitty type. His own wife has described him to his face as a yes-man. ('Yes, sir. Thank you, sir, may I have another?') Nobody knows him very well, and he doesn't know how to change his behavior. And all the while, he dreams of being the hero, against reasonable odds and logic. It's powerful, if terribly sad.


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