I've been promising this for a long time...

Jan 29, 2011 23:39

...so here it is: THE DOCTOR WHO/TORCHWOOD FIC REC POST (of doom). For many, many people on my f-list ( Read more... )

clearly i don't have a life, torchwood, fanfic, doctor who, fandom

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Comments 2

padawansguide January 30 2011, 04:42:32 UTC
Hooray! Thanks for doing this! Also, you get points for "that's what she said". :-)


dozmuffinxc January 31 2011, 01:54:58 UTC
This is glorious. Fan-fic is definitely on the back-burner as far as priorities go, but this will be super helpful over spring break! And I'll actually be able to read some of the TW fic, as I just finished watching "Fragments" and will soon be hitting up "Children of Earth." Woooooooord :)


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