DW Christmas Special

Dec 26, 2008 22:13

A quick reaction post:

Here be spoilers... )

tv, doctor who

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Comments 5

chocoholic47 December 27 2008, 05:12:16 UTC
I had similar reactions. Rosita was awesome, I wish we could have gotten to know her a bit better. And I liked that Jackson actually believed he WAS the Doctor, rather than it being a con scheme or something. Also agreed on the cybermen guard dog animal thingys. So not cool. But the rest of it was pretty neat, all things considered.


wildcard_47 December 28 2008, 03:03:53 UTC
Yeah, overall the episode wasn't too bad!

I hope "Planet of the Dead" will be cool.


ironyaficionado December 27 2008, 13:14:33 UTC
I was actually just about to post a reaction myself, so I'll let you look on that. Overall, I'm just looking forward to Planet of the Dead!


wildcard_47 December 28 2008, 03:03:04 UTC
I know, me too!

The title is especially intriguing, so I was disappointed not to have an episode preview post-special.


dozmuffinxc December 28 2008, 03:24:37 UTC
The ending was, I think, the biggest downfall. I don't know what the Doctor could have opened her mind too. After all, she was a self-serving b*tch before she was zapped by the CyberMen. And yes, the cyber!gorilla/dog/Yetis were... bizarre.

I wasn't as keen on Rosita as all that. I enjoyed her, and thought she was a good one-timer but I found myself praying that she wouldn't become the next companion. Can't quite pin-point why, but she just doesn't have the spunk that last three have, and after S4's ending, I'm not willing to let just anyone step into that coveted role! That, and I'm still holding out that RTD will show up at my door and cast me...

I've got a little reaction post on my LJ. Mostly summary babble, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

Yay for (at least) one more episode with Tennant!!


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