
Dec 31, 2022 06:36

There was a site called "intellihub" which seems to have been hacked and turned into a gambling site in SE Asia.  My guess is that this is the work of the CIA.  You can find countless mirrors of the gambling site, per se, all over the intenet.

for example - try this intellihub link - Vault 7 release: Rogue CIA elements may be illegally targeting Americans

I have many wonderful bookmarks that once linked to pages at the intellihub site, and now they are no use.  Except, the text of the links still remain.  And that text can still be searched on line.  And similar or identical stories will then be pulled up, such as from the site, "beforeitisnews".

So, I am posting the text from my inellihub links here.  You can read over the text of the links, find the ones you like, and then paste that text into an online search engine, (rather than try going through the now destroyed link).  That way, you should be able to find real stories.


(Some are Qwant searches BASED on intellihub link texts) - And sorry, but there might be duplicates - And some do show up as bare-naked links -

zika mosquitos same as gm mosquiots released off florida - Qwant Search

Bombshell evidence shows at least 25 million dead and fraudulent "registered voters" in 2016

Vault 7 release: Rogue CIA elements may be illegally targeting Americans

Debbie Wasserman Schultz likely involved in massive cover-up as she is caught trying to interfere in a criminal investigation, threatening police chief

Seth Rich likely murdered over Hillary Clinton's Uranium One ties, the offloading of 20% of America's uranium supply to the Russians

Kim Dotcom releases new statement on Seth Rich and it may shock you

Seth Rich's original Reddit posts altered, 663 comments deleted

D.C. surgeon who operated on Seth Rich: 'The DNC staffer was alive and well after surgery, before a group of LEOs showed up to the ICU'

Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the "DNC emails" Wikileaker: Confirmed » Intellihub

Eyewitness: 'I was there when Seth Rich was shot, they walked him past me, he didn't even know he was shot, no pain'

60 years ago Aldous Huxley predicted how global freedom would die

Monsanto and big ag colonizing Africa, criminalizing traditional seed exchanges

Antarctic mystery unveiled - new evidence

Houston officials in talks to release G.E. mosquitoes

Study: CRISPR gene-editing ignites tons of unintentional genetic mutations

Harvard study: Smoking cannabis actually improves brain function

The plant that stops antibiotic-resistant bacteria

You and your family are being barbecued by cellphone towers and...

White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public

In 1971 it was admitted vaccines contained a cancer causing agent

Ron Paul warns of imminent economic collapse to be blamed on Trump instead of the Fed

Roger Stone talks about Trump's plan to control Goldman Sachs appointees

War: The power backing the U.S. dollar

How investors can profit from the growing Lithium boom

Global pedophilia rings exposed and arrested - Where’s U.S. press coverage?

Was Rep. Scalise shot for exposing human trafficking operations?

Staggering number of homeless in L.A.

Assange: Obama Administration literally destroying public records right now

Federal agency votes to slaughter 44,000 of the 67,000 wild horses in the U.S. » Intellihub

South Carolina sprays for Zika, further decimates honeybee

Docs show how Monsanto crushes dissent with thousands of paid trolls

Zika mosquitoes same as GM mosquitoes released off the coast of Florida

Pesticides sprayed to fight Zika may be more harmful than Zika

Northern Hemisphere potentially in great danger as Fukushima radiation spikes to “unimaginable” levels

Court rejects Dakota access injunction, but Standing Rock Sioux vow 'This is not the end'

Key West ravaged, ocean waves crash over rooftops of homes, flooding

Solar radiation storm engulfs Earth after Sunday's X8.28 flare departure from the Sun

Idaho earthquake swarm: Over 200 quakes in past 9 days

Scientist-in-charge of Yellowstone Volcano Observatory steps down, packs bags, leaves park

Government hiding coming extinction level event deriving from Yellowstone, NASA prepares dangerous plan to save mankind from supervolcanic eruption

Miami's homeless detained ahead of storm, some against their will

Hundreds of homeless people vanish in Salt Lake City after police operation

See Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria from the air

California officials prepare for nuclear strike deriving from North Korea

Woman on Vegas strip Sunday night: ‘We were told that there were 7 confirmed shooters, confirmed deaths at multiple hotels’

Fully-automatic gunfire heard from ‘close’ range, street level, during Vegas shooting: Video

Shooter’s brother linked to crisis communications management PR firm and Pulse Nightclub

Vegas plot thickens: Connection between shooter and intelligence agency

Video footage appears to show a man inside the venue firing a fully-automatic rifle into Las Vegas crowd

LVMPD audio: ‘There are at least two shooters with fully-automatic weapons’

Report: FBI wipes phones, laptops, of Las Vegas massacre eyewitnesses

Stephen Paddock spotted alive in Atlantic City with girlfriend, FBI running aerial surveillance from Cessna?

Las Vegas shooting: An in-depth analysis

Receipt shows Paddock had another guest in his room before shooting

ISIS just proved it has nothing to do with Islam

BREAKING: Pentagon caught paying PR firm $540 million to make Fake terrorist videos

Three-dimensional computer analysis of 9/11 video footage yields astonishing results

UC Berkeley riots organizer has no regrets, plans more violent actions

Civil war is coming to the U.S. “Left will resort to large scale violence…to stop Fascism”

Army preps for urban warfare in megacities: “mass migration, disaster and inner-city turmoil”

Small convoy of military heavy haulers spotted on Cali freeway

Leftist McCarthyism: Liberal journalists declare Donald Trump a traitor

Anarchists plan to “stop the Trump-Pence regime before it starts” Anarchy begins Jan. 14!

“We need to start killing people.. We need to start killing the White House - Seattle social justice warrior caught on tape threatening violence and demanding reparations

Sedition: Media promotes idea of a military coup to remove Trump from office

D.C.-based journalist purports Trump threatened to use force against Mexico during Friday’s call with Peña Nieto

Left-wing journalist: Violence against “racists” to stop Trump should be tolerated

Media talking heads continue to call for President Trump’s murder

Liberals now actively protesting in SUPPORT of the police state

Traitor? Hillary Clinton approved arms sales, including chemical weapons, to terror supporting countries after they paid her off

Must Watch: The truth about Hillary’s bizarre behavior: “Does she have actual brain damage?” » Intellihub

Hillary: "I'm feeling great;" just before collapse; dragged by Secret Service into van; legs limp » Intellihub

BREAKING: Leaked FBI alert, admits hackers penetrated US election systems » Intellihub

Globalist establishment rigged election for Clinton

Wikileaks to drop bombshell Clinton emails in next two days; Clinton camp quivers in fear » Intellihub

Bombshell evidence shows at least 25 million dead and fraudulent “registered voters” in 2016

The Bush family colluded with Hillary Clinton in attempt to stop Donald Trump

Russians deploy nuclear capable missiles near Poland and Lithuania » Intellihub

Nuclear war is on the horizon: “This is not just talk… action has been taken”

Green Beret warns: “World governments are preparing for disaster and war”

Assange predicts Trump will lose, accuses Clinton Campaign of trying to hack Wikileaks

Trump’s Gettysburg Address against the New World Order

Pieczenik: 'There is a coup in the White House and we are going to stop it' » Intellihub

This is a coup: the Homeland Security takeover of US elections

Former intelligence officer admits CIA is attempting coup against Trump

Revealed: The establishment’s plan to destroy President Trump

D.C. National Guard head to be removed just seconds after Trump’s transition

Anarchists and former terrorists are hoping to turn Donald Trump’s Inauguration into one of the biggest riots in U.S. history

Will the CIA assassinate Trump? Shadow government looks to take back control

Bringing chaos to America: Obama “running a shadow government” from Washington DC

Fmr. Rep. Kucinich says the ‘deep state’ is trying to destroy Trump and associates

10 Orwellian moments found in the newly leaked private NSA newsletters

'Terrifying': AT&T spying on Americans for profit, new documents reveal

Julian Assange confirms Internet restored at Ecuadorian Embassy

No, Julian Assange is NOT dead! » Intellihub

WIKILEAKS: Mainstream media spreading misinformation on Assange

Wikileaks 2017: Hillary Clinton's criminal activities may be exposed!

Sean Hannity interviews Assange: Full

Assange tells the sordid truth about the US elections

Assange: Obama Administration literally destroying public records right now

Wikileaks 2017: Hillary Clinton’s criminal activities may be exposed!

Assange says, 'Wikileaks to release batch of Clinton emails next week' » Intellihub

The CIA’s BIGGEST secrets could soon be revealed

More “fake news” photos “from Aleppo” proven false, poorly executed propaganda

Obama attacks conservative talk radio, hints at censorship of alternative media

Soros backed group “partners” with Facebook to take down alternative media

On a rampage, Trump calls CNN and BuzzFeed "fake news" » Intellihub

Buzzfeed publishes literal disinformation in latest anti-Trump fake news attack

On a rampage, Trump calls CNN and BuzzFeed “fake news”

Traitor: John McCain passed anti-Trump disinformation dossier to FBI

Establishment claims of Russian hacking lack one important ingredient… evidence

Fake news: CNN guest laughably claims Berkeley rioters were right-wingers

Fake News: CNN is so pathetic that they “fact checked” a JOKE by Sean Spicer

Source of DNC email leak murdered, Wikileaks Julian Assange implies - Offers $20,000 reward » Intellihub

4 signs Wikileaks is a government managed election-year psyop

2 Years After This American journalist was killed, her ‘Conspiracy Theories’ on Syria are proven as facts

Friends of DNC-linked Shawn Lucas "freaked out" by his death » Intellihub

Assange: ‘Our source is not the Russian government or a state party’

Clinton Foundation CEO declared “missing” by the internet after going public saying “follow the money”

What a coincidence: Bankers, doctors, and dozens of scientists have been dying mysteriously

Joint FBI-Homeland Security report fails to prove Russians behind Clinton leaks

Hanford Nuclear Site spewed radiation: Confirmed » Intellihub

Dangerous ongoing disaster at Hanford Nuclear Site threatens residents » Intellihub

Alert: Ben Swann goes dark after exposing PizzaGate, deletes social media accounts

Mike Flynn was targeted by establishment for exposing PizzaGate

Trump may not make it four years: Former intelligence operatives confirm “hit job” on Michael Flynn

In our twisted “progressive” society, what takes real courage is STANDING for the national anthem… #BoycottNFL

Geraldo: ‘Leftover Obama operatives planted landmines for Trump’

FISA warrant issued in Oct. targets Trump and associates: Reports

Original newz story - Click here

A daily dose of THIS PLANT could reverse age related decline in the brain

Declassified C.I.A. document reveals how a remote viewer identified advanced life on Mars, pyramids, in 1 million B.C. » Intellihub

Dear Mr. President: Hillary sold our country's uranium to the Russians, lock her up » Intellihub

Americans are fleeing major cities » Intellihub

Joint FBI/DOJ/NYPD raid Dearborn residence may yield evidence in Clinton probe

Putin admits: 'men in dark suits rule the U.S.'

Report: Sean Hannity to be fired by Fox News over Seth Rich murder coverage

Newt Gingrich hits the deep state hard, goes after real Clinton deals made with the Russians

The Fourth Turning: Summer of rage and the total eclipse of the deep state

Leftist "counter-protester" throws urine on conservative journalist

Scientists admit mysterious "Planet 9" is causing our solar system to tilt

NASA heliophysicist admits they have already sprayed us with a mood-stabilizing drug

Planet X just revealed by Google Sky?

"Star Gate" transferred from DIA program into a CIA program in 1995, along with funding, staff, and 10 civilian billets

New information suggests Guccifer 2.0 leak was a DNC ruse fabricated by "Warren Flood" » Intellihub

Coast Guard found no 'dirty bomb' aboard Maersk Memphis, source of info arrested

Another piece of our country's history erased, this time in Dallas

Key West ravaged, ocean waves crash over rooftops of homes, flooding

Solar radiation storm engulfs Earth after Sunday's X8.28 flare departure from the Sun

Idaho earthquake swarm: Over 200 quakes in past 9 days

Scientist-in-charge of Yellowstone Volcano Observatory steps down, packs bags, leaves park

Government hiding coming extinction level event deriving from Yellowstone, NASA prepares dangerous plan to save mankind from supervolcanic eruption

Miami's homeless detained ahead of storm, some against their will

Hundreds of homeless people vanish in Salt Lake City after police operation

See Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria from the air

California officials prepare for nuclear strike deriving from North Korea

C.I.A. officer who interrogated Saddam Hussein talks about Russian hacking fiasco » Intellihub

George Soros hacked, over 2,500 internal docs released online

50,000 Soros-linked voting machines being illegally deployed to 16 states » Intellihub

Robert F Kennedy’s devastating quotes on vaccines and the CDC

Bombshell evidence shows at least 25 million dead and fraudulent "registered voters" in 2016

Vault 7 release: Rogue CIA elements may be illegally targeting Americans

Debbie Wasserman Schultz likely involved in massive cover-up as she is caught trying to interfere in a criminal investigation, threatening police chief

Seth Rich likely murdered over Hillary Clinton's Uranium One ties, the offloading of 20% of America's uranium supply to the Russians

Kim Dotcom releases new statement on Seth Rich and it may shock you

Seth Rich's original Reddit posts altered, 663 comments deleted

D.C. surgeon who operated on Seth Rich: 'The DNC staffer was alive and well after surgery, before a group of LEOs showed up to the ICU'

Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the "DNC emails" Wikileaker: Confirmed » Intellihub

Eyewitness: 'I was there when Seth Rich was shot, they walked him past me, he didn't even know he was shot, no pain'

60 years ago Aldous Huxley predicted how global freedom would die

Monsanto and big ag colonizing Africa, criminalizing traditional seed exchanges

Antarctic mystery unveiled - new evidence

Houston officials in talks to release G.E. mosquitoes

Study: CRISPR gene-editing ignites tons of unintentional genetic mutations

Harvard study: Smoking cannabis actually improves brain function

The plant that stops antibiotic-resistant bacteria

You and your family are being barbecued by cellphone towers and...

In 1971 it was admitted vaccines contained a cancer causing agent

Ron Paul warns of imminent economic collapse to be blamed on Trump instead of the Fed

Roger Stone talks about Trump's plan to control Goldman Sachs appointees

War: The power backing the U.S. dollar

How investors can profit from the growing Lithium boom

Global pedophilia rings exposed and arrested - Where’s U.S. press coverage?

Was Rep. Scalise shot for exposing human trafficking operations?

Staggering number of homeless in L.A.

Assange: Obama Administration literally destroying public records right now

Federal agency votes to slaughter 44,000 of the 67,000 wild horses in the U.S. » Intellihub

South Carolina sprays for Zika, further decimates honeybee

Docs show how Monsanto crushes dissent with thousands of paid trolls

Zika mosquitoes same as GM mosquitoes released off the coast of Florida

Pesticides sprayed to fight Zika may be more harmful than Zika

Northern Hemisphere potentially in great danger as Fukushima radiation spikes to “unimaginable” levels

Court rejects Dakota access injunction, but Standing Rock Sioux vow 'This is not the end'

Key West ravaged, ocean waves crash over rooftops of homes, flooding

Solar radiation storm engulfs Earth after Sunday's X8.28 flare departure from the Sun

Idaho earthquake swarm: Over 200 quakes in past 9 days

Scientist-in-charge of Yellowstone Volcano Observatory steps down, packs bags, leaves park

Government hiding coming extinction level event deriving from Yellowstone, NASA prepares dangerous plan to save mankind from supervolcanic eruption

Miami's homeless detained ahead of storm, some against their will

Hundreds of homeless people vanish in Salt Lake City after police operation

See Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria from the air

California officials prepare for nuclear strike deriving from North Korea

Woman on Vegas strip Sunday night: ‘We were told that there were 7 confirmed shooters, confirmed deaths at multiple hotels’

Fully-automatic gunfire heard from ‘close’ range, street level, during Vegas shooting: Video

Shooter’s brother linked to crisis communications management PR firm and Pulse Nightclub

Vegas plot thickens: Connection between shooter and intelligence agency

Video footage appears to show a man inside the venue firing a fully-automatic rifle into Las Vegas crowd

LVMPD audio: ‘There are at least two shooters with fully-automatic weapons’

Report: FBI wipes phones, laptops, of Las Vegas massacre eyewitnesses

Stephen Paddock spotted alive in Atlantic City with girlfriend, FBI running aerial surveillance from Cessna?

Las Vegas shooting: An in-depth analysis

Receipt shows Paddock had another guest in his room before shooting

ISIS just proved it has nothing to do with Islam

BREAKING: Pentagon caught paying PR firm $540 million to make Fake terrorist videos

Three-dimensional computer analysis of 9/11 video footage yields astonishing results

UC Berkeley riots organizer has no regrets, plans more violent actions

Civil war is coming to the U.S. “Left will resort to large scale violence…to stop Fascism”

Army preps for urban warfare in megacities: “mass migration, disaster and inner-city turmoil”

Small convoy of military heavy haulers spotted on Cali freeway

Leftist McCarthyism: Liberal journalists declare Donald Trump a traitor

Anarchists plan to “stop the Trump-Pence regime before it starts” Anarchy begins Jan. 14!

“We need to start killing people.. We need to start killing the White House - Seattle social justice warrior caught on tape threatening violence and demanding reparations

Sedition: Media promotes idea of a military coup to remove Trump from office

D.C.-based journalist purports Trump threatened to use force against Mexico during Friday’s call with Peña Nieto

Left-wing journalist: Violence against “racists” to stop Trump should be tolerated

Media talking heads continue to call for President Trump’s murder

Liberals now actively protesting in SUPPORT of the police state

Traitor? Hillary Clinton approved arms sales, including chemical weapons, to terror supporting countries after they paid her off

Must Watch: The truth about Hillary’s bizarre behavior: “Does she have actual brain damage?” » Intellihub

Hillary: "I'm feeling great;" just before collapse; dragged by Secret Service into van; legs limp » Intellihub

BREAKING: Leaked FBI alert, admits hackers penetrated US election systems » Intellihub

Globalist establishment rigged election for Clinton

Wikileaks to drop bombshell Clinton emails in next two days; Clinton camp quivers in fear » Intellihub

Bombshell evidence shows at least 25 million dead and fraudulent “registered voters” in 2016

The Bush family colluded with Hillary Clinton in attempt to stop Donald Trump

Russians deploy nuclear capable missiles near Poland and Lithuania » Intellihub

Nuclear war is on the horizon: “This is not just talk… action has been taken”

Green Beret warns: “World governments are preparing for disaster and war”

Assange predicts Trump will lose, accuses Clinton Campaign of trying to hack Wikileaks

Trump’s Gettysburg Address against the New World Order

Pieczenik: 'There is a coup in the White House and we are going to stop it' » Intellihub

This is a coup: the Homeland Security takeover of US elections

Former intelligence officer admits CIA is attempting coup against Trump

Revealed: The establishment’s plan to destroy President Trump

D.C. National Guard head to be removed just seconds after Trump’s transition

Anarchists and former terrorists are hoping to turn Donald Trump’s Inauguration into one of the biggest riots in U.S. history

Will the CIA assassinate Trump? Shadow government looks to take back control

This is a coup: the Homeland Security takeover of US elections

Bringing chaos to America: Obama “running a shadow government” from Washington DC

Fmr. Rep. Kucinich says the ‘deep state’ is trying to destroy Trump and associates

10 Orwellian moments found in the newly leaked private NSA newsletters

'Terrifying': AT&T spying on Americans for profit, new documents reveal

Julian Assange confirms Internet restored at Ecuadorian Embassy

Julian Assange confirms Internet restored at Ecuadorian Embassy

No, Julian Assange is NOT dead! » Intellihub

WIKILEAKS: Mainstream media spreading misinformation on Assange

Wikileaks 2017: Hillary Clinton's criminal activities may be exposed!

Sean Hannity interviews Assange: Full

Assange tells the sordid truth about the US elections

Assange: Obama Administration literally destroying public records right now

Wikileaks 2017: Hillary Clinton’s criminal activities may be exposed!

Assange says, 'Wikileaks to release batch of Clinton emails next week' » Intellihub

The CIA’s BIGGEST secrets could soon be revealed

More “fake news” photos “from Aleppo” proven false, poorly executed propaganda

Obama attacks conservative talk radio, hints at censorship of alternative media

Soros backed group “partners” with Facebook to take down alternative media

On a rampage, Trump calls CNN and BuzzFeed "fake news" » Intellihub

Buzzfeed publishes literal disinformation in latest anti-Trump fake news attack

On a rampage, Trump calls CNN and BuzzFeed “fake news”

Traitor: John McCain passed anti-Trump disinformation dossier to FBI

Buzzfeed publishes literal disinformation in latest anti-Trump fake news attack

Establishment claims of Russian hacking lack one important ingredient… evidence

Fake news: CNN guest laughably claims Berkeley rioters were right-wingers

Fake News: CNN is so pathetic that they “fact checked” a JOKE by Sean Spicer

Source of DNC email leak murdered, Wikileaks Julian Assange implies - Offers $20,000 reward » Intellihub

4 signs Wikileaks is a government managed election-year psyop

2 Years After This American journalist was killed, her ‘Conspiracy Theories’ on Syria are proven as facts

Friends of DNC-linked Shawn Lucas "freaked out" by his death » Intellihub

Assange: ‘Our source is not the Russian government or a state party’

Clinton Foundation CEO declared “missing” by the internet after going public saying “follow the money”

What a coincidence: Bankers, doctors, and dozens of scientists have been dying mysteriously

Joint FBI-Homeland Security report fails to prove Russians behind Clinton leaks

Hanford Nuclear Site spewed radiation: Confirmed » Intellihub

Dangerous ongoing disaster at Hanford Nuclear Site threatens residents » Intellihub

Alert: Ben Swann goes dark after exposing PizzaGate, deletes social media accounts

Mike Flynn was targeted by establishment for exposing PizzaGate

Trump may not make it four years: Former intelligence operatives confirm “hit job” on Michael Flynn

Geraldo: ‘Leftover Obama operatives planted landmines for Trump’

FISA warrant issued in Oct. targets Trump and associates: Reports

Original newz story - Click here

A daily dose of THIS PLANT could reverse age related decline in the brain

Declassified C.I.A. document reveals how a remote viewer identified advanced life on Mars, pyramids, in 1 million B.C. » Intellihub

Dear Mr. President: Hillary sold our country's uranium to the Russians, lock her up » Intellihub

Americans are fleeing major cities » Intellihub

Joint FBI/DOJ/NYPD raid Dearborn residence may yield evidence in Clinton probe

Putin admits: 'men in dark suits rule the U.S.'

Report: Sean Hannity to be fired by Fox News over Seth Rich murder coverage

Newt Gingrich hits the deep state hard, goes after real Clinton deals made with the Russians

The Fourth Turning: Summer of rage and the total eclipse of the deep state

Leftist "counter-protester" throws urine on conservative journalist

Scientists admit mysterious "Planet 9" is causing our solar system to tilt

NASA heliophysicist admits they have already sprayed us with a mood-stabilizing drug

Planet X just revealed by Google Sky?

"Star Gate" transferred from DIA program into a CIA program in 1995, along with funding, staff, and 10 civilian billets

New information suggests Guccifer 2.0 leak was a DNC ruse fabricated by "Warren Flood" » Intellihub

Coast Guard found no 'dirty bomb' aboard Maersk Memphis, source of info arrested

Another piece of our country's history erased, this time in Dallas

In our twisted “progressive” society, what takes real courage is STANDING for the national anthem… #BoycottNFL

Key West ravaged, ocean waves crash over rooftops of homes, flooding

Solar radiation storm engulfs Earth after Sunday's X8.28 flare departure from the Sun

Idaho earthquake swarm: Over 200 quakes in past 9 days

Scientist-in-charge of Yellowstone Volcano Observatory steps down, packs bags, leaves park

Government hiding coming extinction level event deriving from Yellowstone, NASA prepares dangerous plan to save mankind from supervolcanic eruption

Miami's homeless detained ahead of storm, some against their will

Hundreds of homeless people vanish in Salt Lake City after police operation

See Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria from the air

California officials prepare for nuclear strike deriving from North Korea

C.I.A. officer who interrogated Saddam Hussein talks about Russian hacking fiasco » Intellihub

what ever happened to intellihub? - Qwant Search

former intelligence officer admits cia is attempting coup targeting trump - Qwant Search

will the cia assassinate trump? secret - Qwant Search

declassified cia document reveals how a remote viewer - Qwant Search

mike flynn was targetted by establishment for exposnig pizzagate - Qwant Search

Robert F Kennedy’s devastating quotes on vaccines and the CDC

#boycottnfl, cia

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