Link: Last Year's
End of Year Post
End of Year: Relationships
It's been a good year.
Unfortunatly there have been a number of people I've gotten to know this last year (and previous years before) that I haven't seen much of or any of, which is unfortunate. I guess it's partly inevitable, espicially given that I spent so much time last year getting to know people in disparate parts of the nation keeping track of all of them was bound to be impossible.
On the other hand, I've still managed to keep in touch with a lot of people, and made a number of new friends, and my livejournal friends list has grown rather a lot :o) Unit 22 opened this year which was a lot of fun, even if it's declined a bit since, and of course I've still been seeing and meeting people at Dungeon and Slimelight. There was also The Rocky Horror Show, which I think I can give myself a pat on the back for sorting out tickets wise (although I'm still owed for one ticket in that regard!) :o) That makes it three times I've seen that show at the Mayflower :o)
My relationship through the year with
Elegy_of_flames has been uneven through the year, espicially with her buggering off to Greece at the end of May, although it did have the plus side of forcing me out again to spend time with other and new people during the holidays, and maybe if she hadn't I wouldn't have met quite as many new people as I did that Summer. It also meant we had less time to drive each other crazy :o)
I think me and
Elegy_of_flames have settled into a relationship status and style were we can both be happy. Right from the early beginning I think we both realised we both intellectually liked the idea of open/poly relationships, but weren't sure about the emotional impact of making such a move, and I think now we have that we can leave such fears behind. Just took us long enough is all :o)
Fraggleonspeed having been on my myspace and livejournal friends list for a rather long whilst and having seen her about every now and then, actually getting to know her this year has been great also, thanks to us having shared a party at
lil_ravenfire and thus having had the time to properly speak for the first time and cease to be one o those scary, scary faces of a person I recognise but don't actually know :o)
Things with
Fraggleonspeed didn't quite turn out the way I might have hoped, but I did enjoy what we had whilst we had it, and what we have currently.
End of Year: Home Life
So I'm finishing this year where I started it, still (to some extent) leeching of the parents and back in my old room. Still, whilst it's not ideal it's still rather perky. No rent, no bills, and I do still get my own space with a lock on my door where I can hide away.
I am starting to struggle with space issues due to having too many damn books and DVDs but not enough space for another bookcase, although I guess that's symptomatic of having space for everything elseI want in here, like my two computers, my two wine racks, et cetera. It's still a nice room anyway, and I'm glad to have chosen not to move out, turned out to be a good choice.
No more family deaths, although there's still legal disputes surrounding my Uncle's death the year before, which is unpleasant but I guess life sucks sometimes. Meanwhile all the family relationships important to me are as healthy as ever, all my immediate family seem fine, and I'm still getting on with my parents (and they're still happy to let me alone) so all is groovy :oD
End of Year: Work/Education
Managed the entire year without paid employment again, which is pretty fantastic. Given that the sort of work I can get at the moment probably isn't anything I'd really want to talk about, I guess I've been pretty lucky. Thank God for student loans.
I'm not sure how I feel about university at the moment. I am very confident that I will get at least a 2.1 when I leave, I am not at all confident about getting a 1st. To get the latter I'm going to need to average out a 72 mark, which would require some fairly impressive work. I hear it's possible to get some very high marks on dessertation if one works at it, which removes some pressure from elsewhere, but I guess I'll know soon enough what to expect when my coursework marks come back in.
If not then I'll just have to content myself with a 2.1, and remind myself of the important thing: I still really enjoyed my degree. This past year I've studied some incredible things, including Immanuel Kant whom I never would have thought I would have enjoyed so much (especially given the warnings I recieved the year before!). Doing this degree has done a lot for me regardless of what result I get stamped with at the end.
End of Year: Health
I probably have a fair bit to be proud of this year.
I've given up a lot of bad eating habits, including the large chocolate bar and tub of ice cream a day stuff, and as a result I've been losing weight without really trying. I find it quite suprising how easy it was to do as well, and just how much I so very much don't miss crisps, chocolate bar, and general junk food when it's not around and I haven't been eating it. I'm not sure exactly how much I've lost weight, but I know I have, and I'm rather pleased with the results.
Getting into the habit of regular sti checks at the local GUM clinic has been rather a good idea as well, although fortunatly it's only function thus far is making me feel a lot more at ease knowing that there isn't anything currently to worry about.
End of Year: Next Year
Last year I was fairly positive about this year, and I was right to be. I still lived an indulgent lifestyle and got to know new people and devoloped new relationships whilst getting on with university work in an acceptable way. Hopefully my positive attitude about this coming year will be just as well-founded.
Of course this coming year I get to recieve the grade that defines my sucess at university for the three years I will have been there, and it's the end of my current academic programme leaving me open to work out what I'm doing with the rest of my life.
I have often considered post-graduate study, although I'm not sure how comfortable and eager I'll be if I don't get a 1st. In addition to that, part of me feels like a break from intense study of Philosophy, and as the second undergrad in Theology just isn't really going to be an option that may just mean exploring other interests, although in that case it will *shudder* mean getting a job, which opens up a whole host of issues I haven't really spent much time thinking about.
I'm still in the belief that it's going to be fun though :o)
Meme: New Year's Resolution
In 2007,
wight1984 resolves to...
Take evening classes in lambrini.
Go socialising three times a week.
Find a new socialism.
Be nicer to furplemouse.
Connect with my inner blackadder.
Cut down to ten boots a day.
Meme: Purity Tests
Ultimate Purity Score Is... CategoryYour Score Average Self-Lovin'43.3%
When I think about you - or anyone - I touch myself 64.7%Shamelessness81%
Has yet to see self in mirror 78.9% Sex Drive 68.4%
A fool for love, but not always77.2%Straightness0%
Knows the other body type like a map 43.9% Gayness 75%
Repressed, are we? 83.7%
Fucking Sick67.3%
Dipped into depravity 89.9%
You are 53.2% pure
Average Score: 72.4%
Take The Ultimate Purity Test
and see how you match up! (By
The Ferrett)
Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 Score Is... Your Score:Average For All UsersAverage For All Straight Liberal Single Pink-Skinned 19 to 25-Year old Males
(269 total) Dating19.23%34.25%30.58%Gone steady Self-Lovin'43.94%61.44%52.06%When I think about you - or anyone - I touch myself Shamelessness74.19%77.68%81.53%It takes a couple of drinks Sex Drive66.67%75.44%76.13%A fool for love, but not always Straightness0%39.88%31.29%Knows the other body type like a map Gayness75.93%78.92%94.13%Repressed, are we? Dominant66.67%87.15%88.27%Not afraid to tie the knot Submissive69.84%87.56%91.53%Bound and gagged a few times Fucking Sick79.59%90.14%92.97%Refreshingly normal Total Score59.32%74.19%75.15%
Take The Ultimate Purity Test 2.0
and see how you match up! (By
The Ferrett)
Meme: Your memory of me from 2006
I can't say I remember everything myself, so why not refresh my memory?
Leave me a comment about a memory shared between you and I during 2006, or just about me. It doesn't matter if you know me only a little or a lot, just post anything you remember. You can leave as many as you want :o)