Title: The Pizzeria (a Sordid Tale of Destiny, Evil, and Garlic) 4/10
mad_maudlinLength: 36,584
Pairing: Ron/Draco (more preslash than slash)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ron bites off more than he can chew when he agrees to help Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini open an Italian restaurant. Can anything make it worth the headaches?
The Pizzeria 4/10 )
Comments 2
Then Malfoy shouted at both of them for giving away free food, lectured for an hour and a half on What I Am Paying Just For Cheese, and hid himself away in the cellar for over three hours.
"Weasley," Malfoy growled with lint on his lips, "I hope you know this is going on my List."
... had me WEAK with laughter! Weak, I tell you.
Excellent story. Found it via a rec at crack_broom.
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