Title: YogaMagic
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A concerned Morgana sends a stressed out Arthur to a yoga class where he meets yoga instructor Merlin. Arthur finds a bit more than peace and serenity.
Warnings: None.
Notes: This story came to me in a yoga class and revisited me in every class thereafter...So I wrote it. I’d
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Comments 5
Hopefully once he recovers his father will give him a break, and Merlin might properly teach him to relax and make sweet, sweet love :D
Why do I think, maybe, that Merlin has put more work than we realize into leaving this kind of stress behind himself? He's accomplished what we all dream of, that simple, simplified, nirvana of a life, and now he's taking all of Arthur's stress and filling his life with out.
Time for Arthur to set the balance the other way - let some of Merlin's zen into his own life.
I'm cringing about the white carpet. That's why we have hardwood. ;)
How did I get so sucked into this story? Apparently it owns me. Thanks so so much! Yes, my reaction is intense, but I'm loving every step of this journey. So glad it's continuing!
Thanks for the great long comments - I really love a detailed comment :-)
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