What is your statement here? Birth control is not outlawed. If you want a device like a condom, hell, Planned Parenthood will give you a diaphragm or IUD for little to nothing. The same with "The Pill".
Republicans were trying to pass a measure where an employer could opt out of allowing Birth Control to be covered in their insurance policies due to Moral Values. For instance... if my boss, Johnny Paul Akers decided to get us insurance and he was against Birth Control for women, he would be able to have it where not one of us women working for him would be able to get The Pill or any other form of birth control off the insurance. But Viagra would be allowed. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/02/us-usa-healthcare-contraceptives-idUSTRE82005F20120302
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"The Pill".
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