(no subject)

Jan 15, 2007 18:30

Title: The Ever After of a Witch 1/?
Rating: PG for right now
Pairing: Gelphie
Disclaimer: All characters and locations belong to Gregory Maguire
Summary: Picks up at the end of the book. Elphaba survives her ordeal with Dorothy and lives to fight another day with the help of an old friend.

This is my first fanfic...so tell me what you think...constructive criticism is welcome. I'll only write more if you guys are interested.  I'll admit that grammer and spelling are my mortal enemies...but i'll do my best to show them who is boss and put them in their place

Light began filtering into the black depths of her unconsciousness, swirling and searching for the broken mind that lay within, pulling her back to reality. Eyelids flutter open and then squeeze shut again, taking in brief images of candles and stonewalls.

A heavy blanket presses her to the bed, where she becomes aware of her throbbing head, aching chest and then, FIRE. Blankets fly as she jerks herself free and rolls to the floor, desperate to escape the burning flames that must be engulfing her legs. She grasps the edge of her tattered dress and pulls it back to reveal not fire, but bloody bandages covering her long legs. The actual fire had been extinguished long ago by a bucket of water thrown hastily over her lower body, dousing the flames, but burning past already burnt skin down to muscle and bone. She begins ripping the bandages off, hoping fresh air will bring relief from the pain. The open wounds run and twist around her emerald calves and thighs in a pattern of red, raw flesh that makes her slender legs resemble green fields on fire. A slight breeze wafts through the open window and caresses her legs with cool air. She carefully draws her legs up and slumps forward to rest her head against her knees.

Her thoughts wander away from the pain and she wonders if she is alone. Dorothy had probably run off with the Grimmerie and left her to die in the Vinkus Castle. She also wonders who was kind enough to bandage her legs and carry her to bed. Surely Nanny would not have the strength for that.

She raises her throbbing head, looks out the window at the half-moon and groans. The moon had been full the night she had been burned. What seemed like hours of unconsciousness had actually been days. Tears begin to leak from her eyes and run down her cheeks.

The Wizard had won. Now that she is weak and injured it would only be a matter of time until he would find a way to get the Grimmerie. For all she knew, Dorothy could be bringing it to him now, as she sat in agony on the hard floor. She closed her eyes and lowered her head in defeat, waiting for sleep to take her again.

The sound of rapid footsteps suddenly reaches her ears and she turns her head sharply towards the door, eyes wide with fright. Could the Gale force already be here to make sure she was dead and gone? She remained frozen on the floor as the door swung inward, the bright light from the hall outlining several figures standing in the doorway.


The soft voice made Elphaba’s insides clench with longing. It sounded just like…no, it couldn’t be. She squinted at the first figure, making out a small body with soft, feminine curves encased in a long gown. Golden curls framed the woman’s face and she held a sparkling wand in one hand.

Elphaba whimpered, reached for the sparkling figure and started crying again, but this time, it was from relief. The wand clinked to the floor as Glinda rushed forward and enveloped Elphie in her arms and skirts, gently stroking her hair and murmuring comforting words.

From the doorway watched a Lion, a Timan, a Scarecrow, Chistery, Nanny and last of all Dorothy, who was smiling and clutching the Grimmerie tightly against her chest.

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