Title: WORKING TITLE: and the darkness wept
Pairing: eventual Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: up to and not beyond 4x03 'In The Beginning'.
Summary: AU - When Dean went back in time and warned Mary about getting out of bed he created an alturnate universe in which Mary survived and they were a family. However Sammy's powers still evolved and he kept them a secret until he learnt that Dean was dying of terminal cancer and only he could stop it.
AN// This is in no way connected to my Mother 'Verse or the Campbell 'Verse. Thanks.
Part One
Sam sits there, his eyes are large and brown and he looks just like a puppy dog who has just been kicked and doesn't know why. He looks just like a nineteen year old who has been told his brother is dying and no one knows why. "How... how long does he have?" Sam asks his parents who are standing by the doorway.
"The doctors say that with the right treatment he could have years left." Mary tells him, with a bright fake smile on her face that says she is about to break. Sam doesn't want to see his mom hurt but he needs to know the facts.
"Dad?" sam turns to his father who seems to have aged ten years since he last saw him nearly three months ago.
"The doctors aren't hopeful. They say realistically he has five months left, possibly eight if we are lucky but he would be in excruciating pain at that point." John tells his youngest bluntly and sees Sam take it all him before he turns back to his brother's sleeping form.
Mary starts sobbing and John escorts her out of the room, not wanting Dean to hear his mother like that. The next few months were going to be hard enough as it was on him, there was no need to destress him any farther.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Sam whispers and this time it is for Dean's ears only. He already asked his parents that and they had looked at him with kind but sorrow filled eyes and told him they had wanted to wait until his exams were over. Right. How could he forget. Only Sam had forgotten. It was easy to forget things like exam dates and summer vaccation when he had dropped out of college almost six months ago. His parents didn't know but they didn't have to as he was a scholarship student. He had had his whole future on a plate and he had walked away from it when he had realised that the strange and freaksome powers he had grown up with were not going to go away just because he ignored them. Instead he had been working full time in California trying to get by while he researched his powers and found out the truth about the world. It sucked, in a big way.
It sucked even more now he found out that the big brother Sam had hero worshipped and immortalised as a kid was going to be Dead before Dean's twenty-fifth birthday.
"Because I couldn't bare to see you look like this." Dean's croaky voice said to him from the bed. He had been awake all this time but he hadn't wanted to deal with his mother's constant "are you okay" and his dad's "do you need anything, son?". What he really needed was a new body; the one he was in was pretty crap if it was gonna give up on him so soon. But failing that Sammy was the second best thing.