Inheritance (21/30)

Mar 13, 2010 08:28

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Scotty ran down the stairs, skipping every other step as he raced to answer the door. A few days ago, he was nervous about the visit. Now, he was just excited. He flung the door open and grinned at Wally.


“Scotty!” Wally replied equally enthusiastically. They pulled each other into a bear hug. Then Wally stepped further into the house. “Look at this place!”

“I know, right? Nora’s out right now, but you’ll meet her later.”

“Oh good. It was really nice of her to let me stay here.”

“Well, there are certainly enough rooms!” Scotty said, laughing. “Plus she can’t bear to see anyone go hostess-less.”

Scotty reached out, grabbing Wally’s suitcase and leading him upstairs. Nora had changed the sheets and towels in Sarah’s old bedroom and bathroom the night before. When she found out Wally was coming to visit, she insisted he stay at the house, no matter how long or how much Scotty protested. Secretly, Scotty was pleased that she cared so much.

“So I was thinking,” he said, turning slightly towards Wally as he climbed the stairs, “that we could do a fairly casual dinner tonight. Kevin, uh, Kevin Walker will be joining us. Thought you might like to meet some of the people behind the names I’ve told you about. I’m not sure if the others will be over while you’re here, but you’ll probably get to meet some of them. And - and Holly’s asked us both to dinner tomorrow night. But we don’t have to go if you’re not comfortable with that.”

Wally nodded. “That’s fine. I’d like to meet her. As long as I get to actually talk to you at some point too.”

Scotty laughed. “Yeah. It’s kind of overwhelming, isn’t it?”

They were silent for a minute as they reached the second floor and headed towards the bedroom. “How’s Mom?” Scotty finally asked, forcing himself to sound casual.

“Oh, she’s fine. She’s...”

Wally seemed at a loss, and Scotty sighed. “Yeah.”


Scotty’s nerves about the trip returned full-force when they were finally seated at the restaurant. Kevin and Wally were making awkward small talk. About quail-hunting of all things. Finally, Scotty had to interrupt.

“You’ve been quail-hunting?” he asked Kevin incredulously.

“Mm-hmm. My dad used to take us all the time.”

Scotty just shook his head, mouth agape.

“I’m sorry about the loss of your father, by the way,” Wally said. “He seemed like a good man when I met him.”

“Thank you,” Kevin replied. “He had his flaws, but I - I do miss him.”

There was a brief pause, and then Wally turned to Scotty again. “You remember your mother and you used to cook the quail I shot?”

Scotty furrowed his brow, looking off to the side as he tried to remember. “I have no recollection of that.”

“Really? You were pretty young still. Little apron, little oven mitt.”

“How adorable,” Kevin teased, and Scotty sent him a half-hearted glare.

“And now look at you!” Wally said. “Sous chef at a major L.A. restaurant.”

Scotty blushed as he nodded. He glanced at Kevin who was giving him a wide grin.

They dropped off Kevin at his loft on their way back to Nora’s. They walked him inside, stopping just inside the downstairs foyer of the building to say goodbye. Kevin and Wally shook hands, exchanging pleasantries, and then Wally stepped back. Scotty indicated he’d just be a minute, and they waited as Wally walked outside. Scotty glanced out the window by the door to make sure he wasn’t looking, and then he turned back to Kevin with a smile.

“Thank you.”

“I had a good time. I think he likes me.”

“I think so too,” Scotty agreed.

“Good, I’m glad,” Kevin replied, reaching out and running the tips of his fingers down Scotty’s chest, finally coming to a rest low on his stomach. “Someday he’ll find out the truth about us, and I want him to approve of me.”

Scotty fought a smile. “You’re so cute,” he said.

Kevin smirked at him, and Scotty turned away, hurrying outside so he didn’t succumb to the urge to kiss Kevin.

He spotted Wally about half a block down the street, strolling and looking around the neighborhood.

“Ready?” he called out.

Wally turned around, nodding as he walked back to where Scotty was standing beside the parked car. He didn’t say anything as they climbed in. He didn’t say anything as Scotty started the car or as he pulled out from its spot. As Scotty signaled a turn at the corner, however, Wally finally spoke up.

“How long have you two been dating?”

Scotty nearly drove off the road.

He recovered somewhat, straightening the car and glancing at Wally, his expression somewhere between panic and astonishment. “How did you know?”

Wally barked in laughter. “Kevin’s anything but subtle, and I’ve known you your whole life. Did you really think you were going to get something past me?”

Scotty faced the road again. “Um,” he started before clearing his throat and continuing. “Several weeks.”

“So basically since you found out?”

“Not quite. We’ve been taking it slow. It’s kind of a weird situation, obviously.”


Scotty swallowed. “I know it’s odd, and it’s why we’re being so cautious about it. I don’t expect you to approve right away, but if you could just give it a ch - ”

“Scotty, I think he’s a very nice boy. I just want you to be happy. Are you happy?”

Scotty nodded, blinking rapidly. “I’m very happy.”

“Then good.”

“Please don’t say anything,” Scotty added. “No one else knows.”

Wally stared at him for a moment. “Are they blind?”


In terms of nervous worry, the dinner with Kevin was nothing compared to the dinner with Holly. Scotty feared that David would show up too, but he seemed to accept Scotty’s reluctance to develop their relationship in any way. Maybe Scotty would someday find the strength or inclination to finally get to know him, but right now the only way he could think of him was as “Holly’s boyfriend.” He wasn’t ready to accept the fact that his biological father was alive and apparently always suspected that he was indeed the true father of Holly’s baby. He wasn’t ready to consider the reality that he had wanted Scotty, had offered to marry Holly and raise him together. Scotty couldn’t grasp the fact that, had things been different, he would have grown up with a father who shared his DNA but who also apparently had been a completely unreliable drug addict for most of the last 30 years. And he would have no relationship whatsoever with the man who maybe wasn’t biologically related to him but who had bought him his first comic book, sat up with him late at night drinking hot chocolate after Scotty fought with his mom, taught him about the birds and bees (although Scotty had to figure out some things for himself when it came time to put that talk into practice), and drove hours this weekend just to try and reconnect with him.

His entire life Scotty had believed that it didn’t matter that he was adopted. He loved his parents and they loved him, and that was all that mattered. His mom’s reaction to his homosexuality had shaken him deeply. And then the events with Holly and the Walkers and now David had thrown his faith in that belief. He had spent months trying to redefine family, incorporating both nature and nurture. He finally just accepted that Nora was right - family was what you made it. And while he wasn’t ready to make David part of his yet, he was happy that Wally clearly wanted his place in Scotty’s family back.

And he was happy that Holly and Wally were willing to accept each other and reconcile their roles in Scotty’s life. Scotty was quiet much of the night, jumping into the conversation to answer questions, raise topics of shared interest, or smooth out lulls and pauses. But he wasn’t needed much, as Holly and Wally got along excellently.

At the end of the night, Scotty brought dirty dishes into the kitchen. As he was about to enter the dining room again, he heard quiet but emotional voices. Scotty paused and listened.

“Holly, I don’t know how to thank you,” Wally was saying. “Being a father is the most important and meaningful thing I’ve ever done, and I owe it all to you.”

Scotty heard Holly take a deep breath, and she started speaking, tears evident in her voice. “When I gave him up, it nearly killed me. All I could hope was that he’d have a better life than I could give him. But not knowing how he’d end up or - or what would happen to him…it was terrifying. And he’s so…he’s so wonderful. You’ve raised an amazing man.”

Scotty leaned against the wall, fighting the emotions that their conversation raised in him. Then he inhaled slowly and walked back into the dining room, making some noise to warn of his approach. He smiled at Holly and Wally as he sat down.

By the end of the weekend, Scotty wasn’t sure what was most surprising - Wally’s easy acceptance of his relationship with Kevin, the honest connection Wally had made with Holly, or the two-person mutual appreciation society Wally and Nora developed with each other.


Scotty stood as still as possible, arms out to the side as the tailor moved around him. There were only a few minor adjustments to be made, and then his suit would be all set for Justin’s wedding. All three Walker brothers were there with him, waiting to be fitted as well. He glanced at Kevin through the mirror and was initially pleased to see that Kevin was surreptitiously watching him. Kevin gave him an unreadable look, and then Scotty finally remembered to silently warn him with a meaningful nod towards the others. Their secret would be blown pretty quickly if Justin or Tommy caught Kevin checking him out. Or realized that Scotty enjoyed the scrutiny.

Kevin smiled at him, inhaling as he finally looked away. “So have you decided on the honeymoon destination?”

“Hawaii,” Justin said immediately. “Tyler wants to go somewhere tropical, and I want to see Tyler in a bikini.”

Tommy reached out, and he and Justin high-fived. Scotty snorted.

“Will you be able to take that much time off school?” Scotty asked.

“Uh-huh,” Justin said. “We’ll be on break then. Plus, I’m totally rocking my classes. I got 97% on my anatomy midterm.”

“Wow,” Kevin said, half-surprised and half-proud. “I don’t think you ever got an A on anything in your life.”

Justin shrugged. “I’m motivated now.”

“And sober,” Tommy added.

“Can’t you ever be nice?” Justin asked with a teasing grin.

“Good job, man.”


“God, you look hot in that suit,” Kevin whispered in Scotty’s ear as they stood next to each other, waiting for Tyler to walk down the aisle.

“Shhh,” Scotty whispered back, grinning.


They spent most of the wedding and reception giving each other promising looks. Kevin felt very much like they were going to cross at least one of those intimacy lines tonight. He just wasn’t sure how many they were going to cross. He took a sip of his drink, watching Scotty laughing happily as he tried to dance with Sarah.

And then the song ended, and Scotty spoke in Sarah’s ear. He stepped away from her then, walking quickly towards the door to the hall, presumably heading for a bathroom. Kevin stood and followed him.

He caught up to Scotty just a few steps into the hallway, grabbed his arm and pulled him into a short, empty side corridor. Scotty ended up with his back to the wall and Kevin barely three inches in front of him.

“Hi,” Scotty said, surprised but already grinning. “Having a good time?”

“No,” Kevin answered gruffly. “It’s been excruciating.”

Scotty snickered. “I thought you liked Tyler.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

Scotty exhaled, shivering slightly in anticipation.

“You look gorgeous tonight,” Kevin said.

“I’m beginning to wonder if you really like me, or if it’s just the suit.”

“We can take the suit off you and find out,” Kevin suggested.

Scotty chuckled. “Whoa there - ”

But he couldn’t finish his reminder to Kevin to take things slow. Kevin was tired of taking things slow. He leaned forward, pressing his whole body along Scotty’s, and kissed him deeply. It wasn’t the chaste, closed-lips kisses of several weeks ago. It was a real kiss, and Kevin gave it all he had. He finally pulled back and opened his eyes to gauge Scotty’s reaction.

It was a pretty good reaction. Scotty’s head rested against the wall, and Kevin was pretty sure he would be wobbly if he didn’t have the wall for support. His eyes were still closed, and he was panting heavily. One hand still clutched Kevin’s lapel, and Scotty licked his lips.

Finally, he opened his eyes and stared at Kevin. “Not so funny anymore, is it?” he whispered.

Kevin shook his head, surging back in for another kiss.

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justin, holly, tommy, wandells, au:inheritance

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