Combat (15/15)

Jul 14, 2009 09:36

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Justin walked over to Kevin and threw an arm around his shoulders. "Can you believe it?" he asked.

"That someone would want to marry you? No."

Justin smiled, then took a sip of his punch. They were silent as they stood next to each other, surveying the room. Tyler was dancing with Paige and Cooper, while Sarah, Kitty and Nora rested at a table in the corner. Near the dance floor, Tommy held Julia in his arms as they both watched the dancers.

"Is Grandma hitting on Scotty?" Justin asked, laughing.

Kevin turned to look. Ida was sitting in between Saul and Scotty; she leaned close to Scotty, her hand on his cheek. Scotty was laughing and blushing, while Saul shook his head in exasperation. Kevin snorted just as the D.J. switched to a slow song.

"I should go rescue him," Kevin said, and Justin smirked. They split up, heading for their respective partners.

Kevin leaned down by Scotty’s ear and asked softly, "Do you want to dance?"

Scotty turned to him and gave him a slow grin. Then he stood up and, pulling on Kevin’s hand, led him to the dance floor. Once they figured out where to put their hands, Scotty sighed and stepped closer to Kevin.

"Are you having a good time?" Kevin murmured.

"Mmhmm," Scotty replied with a smile. "Your grandma wants me to move in with her."

Kevin tilted his head back in laughter. "Did you tell her you were taken?"

Scotty made a noncommittal noise. "Not yet," he said teasingly. "Thought I’d keep my options open."

Scotty traced his fingers lightly up and down Kevin’s back. "You know," he said, changing the subject. "We’ve all been so busy getting ready for this wedding, I wonder if anyone remembers what’s coming up in 17 days."

"Are you by any chance referring to your one-year sobriety anniversary?" Kevin asked fake-casually, and Scotty grinned.

"Mmm. Maybe." Scotty took a deep breath. "You know I was thinking..." He trailed off.


"Well, it’s the grand scheme of things, is there really that big of a difference between 365 days and 348?"

Kevin stiffened. "What are you saying?"

"I’m saying you look really hot in that tux, and I don’t want to spend one more night alone."

Kevin pulled back from Scotty and looked at him questioningly. "It wasn’t just some arbitrary day, you know. You needed to work through things. Are you sure you’re ready?"

Scotty nodded. "I’m sure. I think I’ve actually been ready for a while now."

Kevin began to smile. He pulled Scotty close again, and then whispered in his ear, "Just to warn you, I need to burn off some serious frustration. The first three, four times are probably not going to be that great. For you."

Scotty laughed, dropping Kevin’s hand and bringing his arm around Kevin’s back so he was hugging him fully as they danced, his fingers playing with the hair at the nape of Kevin’s neck.


Scotty almost lost his balance as he sat down heavily on the foot of Kevin’s bed, neck tilted awkwardly in a passionate kiss; Kevin leaned down, one knee on the bed snug against Scotty’s thigh. Scotty let out a small moan, and Kevin pulled back.

"You OK?" he asked breathlessly.

"Are you going to ask me that all night?" Scotty replied, laughing softly as he reached up and placed his hands on Kevin’s shoulders.

"Probably," Kevin predicted, as he tugged at the bowtie around Scotty’s neck. "I need you to tell me if something’s not working, all right? And don’t be afraid to stop me if you need to. We don’t need to do everything tonight."

"I don’t want you to stop," Scotty said, shaking his head while reaching up to unbutton the top buttons of his shirt.

Kevin smiled, brushing Scotty’s hands aside and pulling the shirt over his head. It was almost off when the sleeves got stuck, the buttoned cuffs too tight to get around Scotty’s wrists.

"Crap!" Scotty said in exasperated humor. "I’m trapped."

"This could work out well," Kevin observed.

Scotty looked up at him, half-confused and half-surprised. "What?" he asked.

Kevin grinned evilly, before nudging Scotty further onto the bed. He pushed lightly on his chest, causing Scotty to fall to his back. Kevin then lifted Scotty’s arms above his head, tucking the end of the shirt beneath the top of the mattress. Loosely locked in place, Scotty looked down his body at Kevin, arousal overpowering his slight nerves.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Kevin raised his eyebrows teasingly and bent to draw circles with his tongue on Scotty’s sternum. He then kissed the skin, moving slowly down Scotty’s chest.

"Exploring your body," Kevin murmured in reply.

For the next ten minutes or so, Kevin kissed and sucked and licked every inch of Scotty’s skin, creating erogenous zones in the most unlikely of places while cruelly ignoring the places Scotty wanted to feel his mouth the most. Scotty swallowed thickly, gripping the cuffs as he made fists, pulling at the shirt restraining him but not actually trying to escape.

"This is torture," he choked out.

Kevin glanced up, then removed his lips from the side of Scotty’s left knee. "For the better part of a year now, I’ve fantasized about what I’d do with you if I ever got you in my bed," Kevin said, the slight catch in his voice belying his calm manner. He leaned down again, dragging the edges of his front teeth along Scotty’s calf. "You’re just going to have to lie there and take it a little bit longer."

Scotty chuckled, then groaned as Kevin resumed his activities. However, Kevin clearly was losing control and began to speed things up. He stroked his hands up and down Scotty’s thighs.

"How do you want to do this?" he asked softly, staring up at Scotty. "I’ll go either way, so if you’re more comfortable the first time - "

"No holding back," Scotty said, shaking his head as he interrupted Kevin. "I want you inside me."

Kevin nodded. He moved away from Scotty and reached for the nightstand to grab the supplies they had quickly purchased on the way home. Scotty took the opportunity to sit up and finally remove his shirt. He rubbed at his arms to get the blood flowing after so much time stretched above his head. As Kevin turned to face him, Scotty reached out, pulling Kevin to him for a passionate kiss.

"Spoilsport," Kevin muttered against his lips, and Scotty grinned. Kevin moved closer, hugging Scotty as they rubbed against each other, rolling onto the mattress again.

"It’ll help if I relax you a bit first," Kevin informed Scotty.

Scotty laughed. "I’m not sure I can relax much right now, sorry," he replied.

"Mmm. This might do the trick," Kevin argued, dropping low again and running his tongue up the length of Scotty’s erection before taking it into his mouth.

"Ngh," Scotty panted, dropping his head back onto the mattress and reaching his hands to the sides of Kevin’s head.

Kevin dragged his lips slowly up Scotty, then moved down almost to the base. Sucking softly, he backed off again, pointing his tongue and tracing lightly along the slit. Just then, Scotty felt a somewhat cold, very slick finger being drawn across his entrance, and his whole body shivered. Kevin pulled away completely, blowing cool air on Scotty’s hot, wet skin even as his finger breached him.

"Oh, fuck," Scotty said.

"Scotty?" Kevin asked, slightly concerned.

"’S good, ’s good," Scotty quickly replied, shaking his head quickly, eyes squeezed shut.

Kevin took Scotty in his mouth again, finger moving slowly in and out. Soon, he added a second finger and later a third, hooking them and pressing against something in Scotty that made his toes curl.

"Kev," Scotty groaned, slightly incoherently, "I’m gonna..."

"Mmhmm," Kevin hummed, and Scotty came, shouting as he unconsciously lifted his hips, thrusting deeper into Kevin’s throat.

When he finally returned to reality, Scotty felt Kevin’s hand rubbing soothingly on his lower belly. Kevin looked up at him. "Are you - "

"Kevin, just do it," Scotty commanded.

Kevin grinned. "So bossy."

Scotty pulled Kevin on top of him. "You love it."

Kevin nodded, laughing. "I really do," he said.

He leaned in for a kiss as he carefully pressed in. Scotty moaned softly. Kevin ended the kiss and stared at Scotty’s face as he moved slowly.

"Oh God," Scotty groaned, and Kevin paused. He began to move back, and Scotty tightened his arms. "No, no," he said quickly, breathlessly. "Oh God, more."

Kevin gave one more steady push until he was fully inside Scotty. "Wait, wait," Scotty said, voice tight. Kevin propped himself up on his elbows, running trembling fingers through Scotty’s hair as he gazed down at him. Scotty finally opened his eyes, looking back at Kevin. "Wow," he whispered.

"I don’t know how long this will last," Kevin said in a soft yet strained voice.

Scotty smiled, bringing his arm to Kevin’s front, resting his palm on Kevin’s chest and feeling his fast heartbeat. Kevin dropped low again, kissing Scotty passionately as he slowly began to rock his hips. Soon, his movement became faster, the rhythm turning more erratic as Scotty rose to meet him. Kevin hooked one arm underneath Scotty’s thigh, dragging it higher onto his hip as he thrust forcefully. Kevin broke the kiss, gasping in pleasure as he buried his face in Scotty’s neck and shoulder. Scotty moved his hand down Kevin’s back, rubbing his fingers in the cleft of Kevin’s ass. He lifted his other hand to the back of Kevin’s head.

"Kevin," Scotty moaned, biting his lower lip.

Kevin cried out as he came, thrusting a few more times into Scotty before slowing and collapsing onto him. Neither man moved for a long moment, then Kevin slowly pulled out. He rolled onto his back next to Scotty, breathing heavily. Scotty turned his head to look at him.

"How are you?" Kevin asked.

Scotty laughed. "I’m fine." He turned serious, bending his arm back to rest his hand on Kevin’s chest. "Better than fine," he added.

Kevin smiled.


Scotty woke up again when he heard water running in the bathroom. He groaned as he pulled himself into a sitting position. Kevin walked back into the bedroom, carrying a glass of water. He kneeled on the bed and crawled next to Scotty.


Scotty nodded, reaching out for the glass and taking several long gulps. Kevin sat next to him, wrapping his arm around Scotty’s shoulder. Scotty handed the glass back to Kevin, then placed his hand on Kevin’s stomach, snuggling into the embrace.

"Mmm," he murmured. "Nice."

Kevin kissed the top of his head. "I’m glad you’re here," he said softly.

"Think I might stay a while."

Kevin smiled, eyes closed in contentment. "Good," he said.

"But first, I think I have to try that again," Scotty said, sliding his hand down to Kevin’s groin.

"Ah, um," Kevin said, laughing. "That ‘three or four times’ was sort of a joke. I’m not a teenager anymore; I might need a little more time."

Scotty pulled his hand away, twisting to reach for the nightstand. "OK," he said cheerfully. "We’ll just switch positions, and you can join in whenever you’re ready."

It didn’t take Kevin too long to catch up.


Kevin stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing at his eyes. "Morning," he said quietly.

Scotty looked over his shoulder at Kevin with a smile. "Hi, sleepyhead."

"Oh God. Are you a morning person?"

Scotty laughed. "Definitely not. I’m just in too good a mood. And I wanted to cook you breakfast in bed. So...go back to bed."

Kevin shrugged. "OK," he said and turned around.

"Wait! First, do you have any cinnamon?"

Kevin turned around again, walking further into the kitchen. "Yeah, we do," he said, reaching around Scotty and opening a cupboard. "In here."

Scotty stared at him, grinning.

"What?" Kevin asked.

"You just said ‘we do,’" Scotty explained before grabbing hold of Kevin’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

Kevin sighed softly as they separated, slowly opening his eyes. Then he reached into the cupboard, taking out the cinnamon and handing it to Scotty with a smile.

"That was a nice wedding yesterday, don’t you think?"

"Mmhmm," Scotty agreed, nodding as he returned to the breakfast he was preparing.

"I don’t think I’ll want that many flowers, though."

Scotty laughed. "Did you just propose to me?"

"Yes," Kevin said.

Scotty stopped laughing as he looked up at Kevin, smile fading. He swallowed and dropped the spoon into the bowl with a clank. Walking over to Kevin, he grabbed his hand, leading him back to the bedroom.

"Breakfast can wait," he declared.

"Is that a yes?" Kevin called out, laughing.

Scotty spun to face him, pulling him close for a deep kiss. "Yes," he said, exhaling. "Yes."

The End
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tyler, justin, au:combat

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