Title: Senses
Author: wibbleywobbley
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: Mature/Adult
Pairing: Owen/Tosh
Summary: Drabble, Post-Reset.
Two bodies moved beneath crisp sheets, but only one person’s soft sighs and quiet groans filled the moonlit room. The man kept his eyes open as he moved down her body; sight and sound, not touch, guided his way. His cold fingers traced her warm skin, unfeeling; her heart beat quickly with no answering pounding of his own. He did not feel her small hand grasping his hair, nor could he smell the strong scent of sex. He slipped his tongue into moist heat, tasting nothing. She gasped, climaxing with silent screams. It was the most alive he ever felt.
Two fanfic firsts for me: First "sex scene" and first drabble. It was pretty challenging, actually, so any feedback is much appreciated.