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Comments 4

ymmy12 October 8 2011, 08:42:16 UTC
amen! well said and too true. but it seems there are those in fandom that look for anything to bag on dean in order to justify sam being all good and all wonderful.

they are both flawed and they are both broken and they are both awesome.


whreflections October 8 2011, 17:30:35 UTC
Sigh, I guess that's true, X.X People seem to always want to be bashing one of the brothers at some point or another, and I mean...I love them both. I was always more of a Dean girl season 1-4, but starting in season 5 if I had to pick I'd be a Sam girl but that's just cause I had a lot of problems with things they did with Dean here in there in 5 and the beginning of 6, but, really, I just completely adore them both. You're right, neither one of them is perfect. They both have their issues, but they're both completely awesome, <3 I love these boys so much.


guardiancastiel October 8 2011, 21:19:45 UTC
Idk...I'm a Dean girl (literally a 100%!) but last night it just wrecked me. Despite it being a fantastic episode I don't think I could ever watch it again, because I think they really want Dean to be a bad guy. Like, I see where you're coming from saying it's not out of his character and as much as I hate to say this, it IS Dean being Dean ( ... )


whreflections October 10 2011, 04:55:06 UTC
See, I think...I really, really don't think it had anything to do with Dean's trust for Sam. It's like...it's the same thing we've seen over and over again with Sam, with the rougarou, etc. He's so smart and he's tough of course but in some ways Sam can be naive. He wants to believe so much that it can make him believe even when he shouldn't, and I think that's something Dean just knows about him. It's like...I used to work at a vet clinic, and one thing I learned there is that for the most part, shih tzu's and cockers can't be trusted. So working with them, even if co-workers(or even friends) that I trusted told me they were ok, I'd still be careful not to let my guard completely down around them until the dog itself had proven trustworthiness to me, not because I didn't believe that my friends had reason to have faith in them, but because I knew that under the right circumstances anyone can be fooled. People can be fooled, can see only the side of someone or something that they want to see ( ... )


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