WIP Meme!

Mar 21, 2011 10:04

What I should be doing? Either studying for my biochem quiz(quizzes directly after spring break should be outlawed) or writing on my Big Bang.

BUT have a meme, :D lol

WIP meme under here )

narnia, supernatural, doctor who, meme, ps i love you, star trek, mcr, fanfiction, north and south, iron man, leverage, twilight, star wars, sherlock holmes, lost

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Comments 2

purpleyedemon March 22 2011, 04:06:57 UTC
Oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Nice long list for Supernatural/Supernatural RPS/Kane RPS XD

Does that mean we might get some more Chris/Steve some time soon? *poke* *poke* *is obnoxious*


whreflections March 22 2011, 04:15:43 UTC
hehe, nah, not obnoxious, :)

and...ok, I would totally say yes, because there was supposed to be new Chris/Steve like...3 weeks ago, T.T The next piece for my fanfic100 thing, and it's for the prompt When? and it'll involve sad!Steve in Vegas for recording on the phone with Chris and their little girl who's wondering when he's coming home and...

and then there was RL drama, and then I realized how close it was to having the Big Bang deadline bearing down on me, X.X lol So...there will totally be new Chris/Steve...but I have to finish Big Bang first before I write or even finish anything else cause I don't want to miss it this year like I did last year, :/

If only I didn't have hw and such school related things, I could get so much fic writing done, lol


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