Merry Go Rounds and Burial Grounds Are All The Same To Me (14/?)

Jun 21, 2010 12:29

Title: Merry Go Rounds and Burial Grounds Are All The Same To Me
Author:whreflectionsRating: NC-17 ( Read more... )

fanfiction, supernatural, merry go rounds and burial grounds are a, wincest

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Comments 23

de_nugis June 21 2010, 17:24:35 UTC
Yay, new chapter.

Aww, you gave Sam some DSotM fixage. Thank you. I love Dean and I have forgiven him, but I can't think of that episode -- or, indeed, most of the stretch from 5.11 to 5.17 -- without wanting to eviscerate him with something rusty. And then have Sam leave his sorry ass for good and real and shack up with Ash and only take Dean back after A LOT of groveling. And fabulous make up sex. (Yes, I am a very calm, objective person.)

I love the deep emotional talk mixed with hangover.


whreflections June 22 2010, 17:25:32 UTC
:) Thank you!

I desperately want some DSotM fixage for Sammy, so I couldn't resist and I thought it worked for that conversation...I still think Dean's actions there are inexcusable and so very not Dean, but that's a whole other thing, :/ lol


marynyu June 21 2010, 19:28:00 UTC
Great chapter!!!! That hung-over talk always hurts my heart, but the Impala scene afterwards was so HAPPY!!! It almos makes up for it.

Also, I think an italics tag got away from you there??


whreflections June 22 2010, 17:26:26 UTC
I feel so bad for Dean there, cause not only is that an insanely serious discussion, he's all hung-over and miserable. Poor baby. *cuddles* hehe

*headdesk* Gah, it did! Thank you! Stupid coding...


tabaqui June 21 2010, 19:48:32 UTC
Poor Dean. But Sam - quit with the 'can we just not talk about this'!! Saaaaaaaaaaay it!


Um, your code is broke. You go into italics right before teh sex and then you're italics to the end of the story.


whreflections June 22 2010, 17:27:16 UTC
Yeah, if they could only have a full conversation without either one of them wanting to end it, it'd be great. Of course, that might also mean hell was about to freeze over, :P hehe


(and thanks for telling me about the code! T.T)


lazy_8s June 21 2010, 20:38:30 UTC

Loved this update! Sam is sharing more future events with Dean (although he is omitting some major angst), but that is progress, right? I do like how he and Dean are each sharing their true feelings, which could have saved them both some grief in canon. Also, loved Dean's "torture" of Sammy in the Impala.


whreflections June 22 2010, 17:28:13 UTC
It is at least progress, even if he's not going into everything yet. He still wants to protect Dean from some of it if he can.

hehe, I had fun writing the Impala scene, :)

Thanks so much!


lavinialavender June 21 2010, 21:28:36 UTC
asdjf;lkajsdf Loving it. Loving it so much. Especially the awesome mix of porn and plot. :D

Ooooh, fantastic intense conversations! I really like Sam telling Dean how Bobby knows, and then the vessel bit (though not about how they broke the seals yet, uh-oh - and though he might resolve not to tell Dean about the one he broke, I think Sam's guilt over his own is going to have to come out sooner or later, especially since that conversation wasn't fully resolved and Sam thinks that's part of why Dean hated him). I'm very glad Sam told him how the original Dean threw away the amulet, though. Very good to get out. And Dean's having a tough time dealing with how he handled stuff in the AU, sigh.

Hmm, interesting plan to go ahead and open Hell's Gate - and I wonder if Sam's planning on killing Jake first thing this time. But yeah, all the other hunters will definitely hate them this time. So, if they let out Lilith...I wonder how they're going to deal with her. Obviously, Dean'll want to kill her (haha, just as Sam did), and I ( ... )


whreflections June 22 2010, 17:30:26 UTC
:D yay, thank you!!

Yeah, whether Sam realizes it right or not, killing Lilith and breaking that seal is something he needs to talk to Dean about, because in a way he still needs Dean to forgive him for it, even if this Dean wasn't there to really understand.

Next update should come at least a bit sooner, ^^

ack, thanks! Stupid HTML code...


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