My Beloved Is Mine (1/2)

Apr 22, 2014 23:49

Title: My Beloved Is Mine
Fandom and/or Ship: Supernatural; Dean/Crowley, Sam/Dean
Warnings: knifeplay, bloodplay, blood drinking, blood injection, addiction, dubious consent, angst, dark
Word Count: 4,611
Summary: "If you kick your puppy and leave him in the street, moose, you shouldn't be surprised when someone else takes him home."

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dean/crowley, fanfiction, supernatural, wincest

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Comments 4

justlikeswimmn April 28 2014, 22:30:04 UTC
That was disturbingly good - fit's Crowley to a T. You KNOW that Crowley has got his own agenda with the mark of Cain, and it'll probably be bad for Dean and Sam. Dean's falling way, way down, maybe all the way to hell (again). Poor Dean! You capture so well his almost gleeful self-destructiveness and loss of self, well done! Thanks so much for your wonderful fic...


whreflections May 1 2014, 00:48:41 UTC
I completely agree about Dean and his self-destructiveness; at this point I think it is damn near gleeful because from his perspective, what does he have left? He's convinced himself Sam doesn't love him, and he thinks he brings death down on everyone around him and...he hurts me so much. They both do, but I'm just having a lot of Dean feelings with this whole mark of Cain storyline. I love it, and it's killing me, lol

Anyway, thank you so much! It's finished now and up on AO3; I just haven't had a chance to get the last two parts up here on my journal yet, but hopefully I can do that tomorrow if not tonight.


sonofabiscuit77 April 30 2014, 20:19:36 UTC
I've never read Dean/Crowley before but I was intrigued by the summary and I'm so pleased I did. This works so well with the current season and where Dean's head is at, and Crowley seems so quietly menacing. I love that last line.

Looking forward to reading the rest!


whreflections May 1 2014, 00:52:47 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed reading it, especially having not read Dean/Crowley before. (Honestly, I never really expected to write those two either...once I saw the mark of Cain episodes it just sort of happened, lol) I'm also glad Crowley seemed quietly menacing, because that's a perfect description for Crowley, especially this season when his obvious danger is muted by the emotions brought on by the blood.

I've actually got the last bits finished now! It's all up over at my AO3(I'm whreflections there, too; in case you want to read it there); I just haven't had the chance to get it posted to my journal yet. Hopefully I can have the time to do it tonight after I finish this damn paper I'm working on but if not, I'll try to do it tomorrow.


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