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Comments 4

immoral_crow September 25 2012, 17:57:39 UTC
Loving this! I adore HDM crossovers, and yes... Lovely.


whreflections September 26 2012, 04:10:51 UTC
:) Thank you so much!


purpleyedemon September 28 2012, 04:18:13 UTC
Have you posted this before? I swear I've already read it...

Needless to say, I love it. <3


whreflections September 28 2012, 04:21:21 UTC
All of it except that last little section was on the kinkmeme, and I liked you to that, so, yes, lol :) BUT I'm working on the next chapter right now and it'll up super soon, just have to finish this scene like...500 more words or so, and that will be part of this you haven't read, :D But speaking of Clint/Coulson, going to send you a PM right now because I remember that I was going to every evening while I'm at work and thinking of fic and plot and such and then I forget, lmao

Aaand, of course, thank you, <3 <3


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