Coloring tutorial - request filled

May 25, 2008 22:43

We're going from
in Photoshop CS3

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I think it's translatable to other versions of Photoshop and some versions of PaintShop Pro.

Step 1.
The icon is already cropped, sharpen it (Filter/Sharpen/Unsharp mask). If you're working with a screencap, make sure you sharpen the image BEFORE resizing it to 100x100 pixels. It's important.

Step 2.
Duplicate the layer, and set it to Screen, 100%. Your image should look like this:

Step 3.
Add a selective color layer (Layer/New adjustment layer/Selective Color). Change the following colors to the methods I list:
Cyan: -100
Yellow: +100

Cyan: -100
Yellow: +100

Cyan: +46
Magenta: +5
Black: -9

The icon looks like this:

Becoming a little better, eh?

Step 4.
Create another selective color layer.
Cyan: -100
Yellow: +100

Cyan: -100
Yellow: +100

Cyan: +27
Yellow: -14
Black: -5

Whites (additional)
Blacks: +27

We're readeh! This is how our icon looks like:

Download PSD file

PLEASE NOTE: I didn't steal anyone's tutorial. Yeah, I know there are similar ones, and I got some idea from those, but this tutorial is made by me, but it's much more simple. If you've seen it somewhere else on the internet, that's fine, I may not be the only person who uses this coloring, but personally, I've never seen it anywhere else, so don't throw things at me saying I'm claiming someone else's tutorial as mine :)

tutorials: coloring

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