POI Independence day crossover fusion 1 - The Arrival

Jan 01, 2015 20:40

Nathan Ingram had been feeling pretty good about his Presidency. The economy was doing well, he made some promising diplomatic visits, and he had managed to get several important pieces of legislation through Congress. Things were looking good and a second term seemed like a real possibility.

Then disaster struck.

He had been alerted when a large object was detected headed for Earth. Initially it was feared to be an asteroid on a collision course. When it slowed down and changed trajectory slightly, they were forced to conclude that it wasn't a natural object.

Nathan was going to be the President when Earth made first contact.

Relief that they were not going to be hit by a giant asteroid turned to dismay when what they began to call the Mother Ship released several large vessels that took up positions over major cities around the world. Everyone was anxious and wondering what were the aliens' intentions. Were they friend or foe?

Press Secretary Corwin was starting to look a bit frazzled, trying to keep control of the press corps when they really had no information. The tabloids were having a field day, bringing out some of their most bizarre and outrageous stories and proclaiming in lurid headlines that they were right all along.

Nathan held a briefing with Secretary of State Carter, trying to come up with a policy if they were able to open a dialog with the aliens. Unfortunately so far they had little luck in getting any response.

Then Harold arrived.

chapter 2: http://whomii2.livejournal.com/78449.html

poi-independence day, fic, crossover, poi au, person of interest

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