TITLE: Be on Guard
AUTHOR: whomii2
DISCLAIMER: do not own
SUMMARY: POI Star Trek crossover fic #6. The crew of the USS Ernest Thornhill rescues another ship. They aren't sure what to make of the other crew
Diverting course in response to a distress call, they found themselves rescuing a rather motley crew of individuals and their disabled space ship. As the edge of Federation territory currently patrolled by the USS Ernest Thornhill was populated as much by pirates and smugglers as by merchant vessels and other legitimate travelers, it was difficult to determine if their space castaways were innocent victims or more sinister perpetrators. Captain Reese thought it best in the circumstances to assign members of his crew to keep an eye on their temporary guests. Chief Engineer Fusco was excused as he would be busy supervising repairs to their damaged ship. Lieutenant Commander Carter scowled at Reese and declared that she had to do enough babysitting with her own crew, and volunteered to man the bridge while the others were occupied with the visitors. So Reese had the rest of his bridge staff present in the transporter room when the strangers beamed aboard.
Yeoman Leon started things off on the wrong foot when he made a pass at the green woman, mistaking her for an Orian slave girl. Her slap in response to the insult didn’t quite manage to wipe the leer off of his face, although it did nearly break his jaw. After the mixed group made a hasty trip to sickbay to have Leon set to rights, Reese decided to leave the green woman in the company of their Chief Medical Officer. If Nathan's charm with the ladies didn't keep the woman in question mollified, the fact that he was in fact an Emergency Medical Hologram would mean that he would remain undamaged if he provoked her.
Reese was initially thinking of pairing the raccoon-like being with Ensign Be'ar, but instead the small mammal seemed to hit it off with Lieutenant Shaw. The pair happily retreated to the armory, where they had a grand time discussing explosives and blasting things with various pulsar weapons.
The Thornhill crew was surprised when they learned the small twig in a pot was actually sentient. Commander Finch was disappointed to find that its conversational repertoire seemed to consist of a single sentence, as the Communications/Science Officer had never had the chance to speak with a plant before (well, not and have the plant reply). So instead Finch spent the duration of the visitors' stay discussing philosophy and literature with the large tattooed man while they both enjoyed tea and crumpets.
Fortunately Ensign Be'ar, who spoke even less than the plant, had no trouble understanding and making himself understood by the small shrub. The two also seemed to share an appreciation for the erstwhile Star Lord's taste in old Earth music. While checking up on his counterpart, Reese found the three of them in the conference room gyrating wildly to some rather strange sounds and a repetitive chorus of “ooh babies.” Citing important duties elsewhere, Reese made a hasty escape when challenged by the other Captain to a “dance off.”
As he fled back to the bridge, John thought to himself that these strangers were all crazy - and he wasn’t sure what it meant that his own crew got along so well with them.