POI fic: Classical

Jul 23, 2012 20:30

TITLE: POI fic - Classical
AUTHOR: whomii2
DISCLAIMER: do not own
SUMMARY: #9 of the Games series http://whomii2.livejournal.com/20880.html

The tension built as Reese and Finch locked their gazes in a stare, neither wanting to give anything away. Reese quickly visualized possible scenarios for the impending confrontation, trying to factor in personal preferences, past history, and possible moves and countermoves. Both were trying to anticipate the others move, trying to determine which option would lead to victory. Finally, Reese made his choice and went with it.

“Rock breaks scissors Mr. Reese”

Damn! He had been sure that Finch was going to go with paper again! Now John would have to listen to the classical station for the rest of the afternoon or be forced to leave the library (privately, John suspected that Harold‘s fondness for that station lay in how much it bugged Reese). John would get an ipod so he could drown out the noise, if he wasn’t paranoid enough to think that Finch could somehow hack into it, and who knew what Harold’s fertile and devious imagination could lead him to do after that…

fic, poi: games series, person of interest

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