Series: And Now I'm Learning You

Sep 08, 2015 13:31

So I have an ongoing series that is a Sherlock/Star Trek (Alternate Original Series)/Doctor Who crossover series, and I haven't posted any of the stories here. The main ship is not a Wholock ship (it's Khan/Molly), which partially explains my reluctance, but as I've started updating it again and I plan on going back to writing stories that involve all three fandoms I figured I should share them. I'm including the whole series here, even the ones that don't heavily feature Doctor Who characters, so that you have access to them all. The ones that have Doctor Who characters in them are bolded so you can just read those for the Wholock aspect.

Title: The Past is The Present And The Future Is New
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, Rory Williams/Amy Pond, Mycroft Holmes, The Doctor & Sherlock Holmes
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Molly Hooper never expected to find out that her good friends Rory and Amelia Williams had traveled through time and space. She also hadn't expected for a man who looks exactly like Sherlock Holmes to end up pulled from an alternate universe and unceremoniously dropped in her bedroom the same night. She definitely hadn't expected Khan Noonien Singh to take up residence in her home for an extended period of time. She certainly hadn't expected the dangers associated with having a Sherlock doppelganger in her life while Sherlock was off trying to dismantle a criminal network. But most of all she had never once expected to fall for her unexpected houseguest. Funny how life works out sometimes.

Title: Shared Showers Are The Best Showers
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Molly wakes up and needs to go to work but she finds the shower is already in use. When Khan makes an offer to share the shower with her, she accepts and her morning is infinitely better because of it.

Title: Unimportant Dates
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: PG
Summary: One morning Khan and Molly are simply talking when he tells her he has no idea what his birthday is, and it doesn't really matter to him regardless. Molly, however, is appalled and decides to fix that.

Title: The New Arrivals
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, James T. Kirk, Hikaru Sulu, Spok, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura & The Doctor
Rating: PG
Summary: When he took Nyota Uhura and Leonard McCoy down to the planet James T. Kirk hadn't expected to encounter anything out of the ordinary. But after an encounter with some angel statues that moved he ended up in the same parallel universe where Khan had found himself months prior with little hope of going back home, and he doesn't take it well.

Title: A Change In Plans
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Christmas morning and Molly has plans for the day, starting with the tradition she's had for the last few years. But her plans go awry when she's called into work and while it's a very long and tiring day, in the end, it turns out to be a rather good day indeed.

Title: A Multitude Of Conversations
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, Leonard McCoy, Rory William, James T. Kirk & John Watson
Rating: PG
Summary: It appears as though Khan is going to have a day full of discussions about his life and multiple aspects of it whether he likes it or not. But at least one of those conversations has a pleasant revelation he didn't see coming.

Title: Passing Muster
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper & Greg Lestrade
Rating: PG
Summary: Yet another person Molly knows has his own opinion of her relationship with Khan, though this time it's an opinion much closer to her own, as Lestrade pays her a visit at work.

Title: A Memorable First Birthday
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Despite the fact that Khan really doesn't feel the need to celebrate a birthday Molly is bound and determined to make the first one he ever celebrates quite enjoyable in hopes that if he is still around for more of them he won't mind them so much.

Title: An Unexpected Visitor
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes, The Doctor, Leonard McCoy & Rory Williams
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Molly is at work when Sherlock arrives at the morgue, bleeding profusely and near death. Panicking, she calls the Doctor and tries to get him and her other friends to help, but the worst happens and Sherlock dies. However thanks to something Khan has been working on that doesn't stay the case for long.

Title: A Rushed Goodbye
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Once Sherlock wakes up Mycroft and Khan are closeted with him for an entire day, and due to a matter or urgency Khan needs to leave almost immediately. He doesn't want to leave without saying goodbye to Molly, though, and she gets to be close to him one more time before he leaves for who knows how long.

Title: A Conversation That Needed To Be Had
Characters/Pairings: Molly Hooper & Sherlock Holmes; mentions of Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: PG
Summary: Four days after Khan leaves it appears Sherlock is ready to talk to her, and what they talk about are things that needed to be settled between them before they began the long wait for the business Sherlock had been on to be finished.

Title: Unplanned Complications
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes, Greg Lestrade & The Doctor
Rating: PG
Summary: Less than three weeks after Khan leaves he's back because of a conversation he and The Doctor caught wind of. But even as he's explaining why he and Sherlock need to switch places Lestrade is trying to warn them of something much worse than what they had all anticipated.

Title: After A Long Day
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper & The Doctor
Rating: PG
Summary: Khan arrives back in the TARDIS after two days with no sleep only to find out that Molly received unpleasant news and there are suddenly many more people staying on board, which leaves him less than pleased, and Molly isn't in the greatest of moods herself.

Title: Comings And Goings
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, Rory Williams/Amy Pond, The Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, Leonard McCoy, James T. Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Rating: PG
Summary: After months of searching the Doctor finds the universe where the USS Enterprise was stranded above Alfava Metraxis. The day he finds it, however, Khan comes back from a week away with news that the people in Moriarty's criminal network have begun to go after Sherlock's friends, starting with John. So as one group leaves the TARDIS to hopefully go home the others on board begin to prepare for another group of people to come aboard to be kept safe.

Title: A (Mostly) Enjoyable Morning
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper & The Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When Molly wakes up the day after the crew from the Enterprise return home and she's alone she panics that someone forced Khan to go back with them. Thankfully this is not the case, as he surprises her with breakfast in bed. Things get a bit more heated after that despite the interruption of a well meaning Time Lord, leading to a very good morning for both Khan and Molly.

Title: Working Things Out
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, Amy pond, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Rating: PG
Summary: Once John wakes up after he's done healing from his injuries he and Molly begin to avoid each other. But when they end up together in the same room as Amy she forces them to talk things out and come to an understanding.

Title: Frank Conversations
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper & Sherlock Holmes
Rating: PG
Summary: Four days after Sherlock mentions Khan's special skill set he is sent by Mycroft to discuss with Khan exactly what that skill set is. But the conversation takes a turn that neither Khan or Sherlock expected, and by the time it's over Khan begins to wonder if he really can have a life that isn't simply fighting a battle of one sort or another.

Title: The End Of The Mission
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, The Doctor & Sherlock Holmes
Rating: PG
Summary: Finally, Khan and Mycroft know who is in charge of the criminal network that they and Sherlock have spent so much time taking down, but it's impossible. There was no way James Moriarty could continue to be pulling the strings. But when the Doctor confirms it was very much in the realm of possibility he decides to see if he can call in a favor to take care of the threat once and for all.

Title: Home Again
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper & The Doctor
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After spending nearly a year traveling with the Doctor as actual companions, Molly and Khan finally return to their home, ready to start a new life together.

Title: Needing Advice
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper & Amy Pond
Rating: PG
Summary: Khan has made a decision about exactly what kind of future he wants with Molly, and he asks for Amy's advice and help before he makes a big change in the type of relationship he and Molly have.

Title: Unpleasant Revelations
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes & The Doctor
Rating: PG
Summary: Thanks to a mistake on Mycroft's part Sherlock's mother wants to push for a reconciliation between his family and Carlton Holmes, and Khan knows he doesn't know nearly enough about the man he's pretending to be to pull it off. Sherlock tells him there might be a solution, but there's also a complication, in that the real Carlton had memories of Khan's actual life in his home universe. They go to the Doctor for help, and in an attempt to start unraveling the mystery the Doctor makes a surprising and troubling discovery on just how Khan and Sherlock are connected.

Title: A Sleepless Night
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: PG
Summary: The revelations when the Doctor looked at his memories have left Khan with more sleepless nights than he would like, and one night Molly wakes up because of that. She asks him about the thoughts keeping him awake and while he doesn't get any real answers from their discussion he does end up with a better idea of just what might be going on.

Title: Surprise After Surprise
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes & The Doctor
Rating: PG
Summary: Molly comes home after learning some surprising news to find Mycroft at her home. When she insists there be no secrets between the five of them who are all directly affected by Khan pretending to be Sherlock’s twin brother she gets even more surprising news about exactly what the Doctor and Sherlock have found out in regards to Khan and Carlton being clones.

Title: Movie Marathon
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: PG
Summary: Molly attempts to take Khan’s mind off of things with a movie marathon, though it doesn’t work out quite how she expected.

Title: Other Ways
Characters/Pairings: Khan Noonien Singh/Molly Hooper
Rating: R
Summary: When Molly says she can get him to tell her anything she wants, anything at all, Khan decides to put the theory to the test to see what her “other ways” of making him talk consist of. They aren’t quite what he expected, but soon enough he tells her a much more effective way of getting information out of him.

#rating - r, #rating - pg-13, character: amy pond, - fanfic, character: greg lestrade, #rating - pg, character: the doctor (eleventh), character: mycroft holmes, character: john watson, pairing: rory/amy, character: sherlock holmes, #rating - nc-17, character: rory williams, + author/artist: scandalbaby

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