Title: "Starting Point"
Series: Nightcrawler!Greg
whogeekFandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Characters/Pairings: Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders, brief appearances of others
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5987
Warnings: Mutants, Awkward Greg, Awkward Nick, Weird Kinks, Tail sex, Smut
Genre: Crossover kinda,
Summary: Greg works up the nerve to ask Nick out, and
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Comments 4
You wrote tail!sex. OMG I love you so hard right now. So very, very hard, you amazing and kinky and wonderful person and please dear God write more of this. (And it kinda reminds me, did I ever send you snips of that BN wing!fic I was working on?)
EDIT: Know what I miss about the old comment box? The ability to preview and make sure you got your HTML code right.
EDIT2: Grrr... stupid OCD won't let me let it go...
Yes, yes I did write tail!sex. Or rather, Greg got away from me a little. And yes, I will be writing more of this. This is just part one of what I've dubbed my Nightcrawler!Greg series. I'm pretty sure you sent me most of the snips you have of your BN wing!fic.
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