Day 10

May 25, 2011 12:01

[Hey, you guys. It's Xion actually being confident about something. What's that all about?]

During the whole switch thing someone talked about going on a trip to England and I said I couldn't go because my parents would freak out.

Well. [It looks like she's pressing down a little here.]I've changed my mind, I'm definitely going ( Read more... )

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Comments 69

magicalmiracles May 25 2011, 22:46:21 UTC
hElL tO tHe MoThErFuCkInG yEs, SiS.
YoU cAn AlL uP aNd Be StAyInG wItH mE iF yOu WaNt.
gRaNdDaD aIn'T eVeR hOmE aNyHoW.


whoeverlooks May 26 2011, 05:54:46 UTC
If it wouldn't be too much trouble.


magicalmiracles May 28 2011, 23:53:36 UTC
aWwW hElL nO.
My SiS aLwAyS aLl Up AnD bE mOtHeRFuCkiNg WeLcOmE iN mY hOmE.
mAyBe KaRkAt Is AlL iNtErEsTeD iN bEiNg Up AnD sLeEpInG tHe FuCk OvEr ToO.
We CaN gEt OuR wIcKeD mOtHeRfUcKiNg PaRtY oN, sIs.


whoeverlooks May 30 2011, 17:44:21 UTC



toothballs May 26 2011, 02:03:19 UTC
Which part of England, which part? And why the sudden change of heart?


whoeverlooks May 26 2011, 05:56:53 UTC
I don't really know, she--or...he--who knows--said "all around" England. So maybe all of the parts?

And I changed my mind because I really, really, really hate being locked up all the time.


toothballs May 27 2011, 01:40:15 UTC
Hey, I could have told you that! Why didn't you listen to me in the first place, huh?

Oh, and figure out who it is, I like her.


whoeverlooks May 27 2011, 01:58:52 UTC
Well, it's been a while since I last left the house without my parents knowing, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to pull it off.


dyadiic May 27 2011, 01:23:36 UTC
who're you.


whoeverlooks May 27 2011, 01:59:19 UTC

And you?


dyadiic May 27 2011, 20:52:59 UTC
never heard of you.


john wa2 the one planniing the triip, get iin touch wiith hiim about iit.


whoeverlooks May 29 2011, 00:43:27 UTC
Oh, John, I know him. Sorta. Thanks for telling me.


memoryweaver May 29 2011, 14:15:32 UTC
Going on a trip does sound like fun. I'm not sure if I'd want to go this time, but maybe one day I will.


whoeverlooks May 29 2011, 23:30:46 UTC
You should come with me, Naminé might be scary at first, but it's easier if you have someone you know along with you, isn't it?


memoryweaver May 30 2011, 03:05:23 UTC
You think I should come? That... would be nice, and it would be easier to have someone I know there, too. Umm, as long as no one else would mind me being there?


whoeverlooks May 30 2011, 17:46:58 UTC
I doubt they'd mind. John's arranging the trip and he's...friendly. He'd probably welcome you with open arms.


waitsallthetime May 29 2011, 18:59:22 UTC
i saw john mention somethin like that but he was a girl i think... so i didnt say anything cuz that mighta been a little awkward. also i was dealin with an issue so i was kinda busy anyway.

i think id love to go too!


whoeverlooks May 30 2011, 17:47:20 UTC
...Issue? Are you okay?


waitsallthetime May 30 2011, 18:06:33 UTC
Oh yeah! im fine, ya dont have to worry about me! i just thought Mulan was kidnapped or somethin but it turns out she was right there with me the whole time!


whoeverlooks May 30 2011, 21:43:41 UTC
Oh. Oh, I see. least she was okay?


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