Title: Remote as the Recent Past
ksedaRating: G Word count: 1248
Spoilers: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances and general EDA stuff
Summary: The faintest line of distinction is that which seperates fate from coincidence.
A/N: Written for
uktechgirl who asked for, among other things, Fitz, observed by the Doctor(s) of your choice (I went with Nine).
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Comments 11
Fitz. Fitz. Your entire life is filled with Angst. And I feel I can legitimately say that for once. And wee!Fitzie is ridiculously cute and brings out every single maternal instinct I do not have. And, gods, Muriel, and this line
He looked at Muriel who was too old and thought of Nancy who was too young, of Fitz and Jamie (another one of those ghost names which followed him) who could one day be best mates or fierce enemies, of Ian and Barbara and even Alistair who were out there somewhere, probably evacuated to the country. So many lives running paralell, converging and spiraling around him, drawn into the chaos, joy, and anguish of this life of his
(I think I startled myself a bit with that paragraph. I don't think I wrote it, Nine did.)
Isn't it a little bit scary when that happens? I swear, my ficathon story took me to whole different places I never would have expected. But I still have to post that one, so I won't say anymore.
I love that Muriel hasn't gone totally batshit crazy here. She--oh, man, now I want to explore *her* character more, and her interactions with Fitz, because of this story.
Muriel is amazingly tragic figure. I wanted to get into her head more but frankly it's a bit scary.
Oh, it is so very wonderful. Wee tiny ickle Fitz Kreiner, oh gosh, and an interior Nine voice that perfectly suits all the timefucked mental business that goes on in his head while he's capering about handing out chocolate and saving the planet. You have made me entirely wibbly for both of them. Thank you thank you!
I was really surpised how well Nine came out, and very glad that he did. I must have had the most delayed reaction in fandom to realizing how awesome he was. And yet I still have no Nine icons. Woes.
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