(no subject)

Apr 16, 2008 15:52

We've got all the dates covered for May's rare ships month - the calendar's here. There's at least one ship from each Doctor's era, though not all Doctors are represented (One and Nine aren't there, I'm guessing because Nine/Rose and Nine/Jack were disqualified for non-rareness); there are 19 het ships, 8 femslash, 2 slash and two threesomes (one f/f/m and one m/m/f). At least 12 of the couples, by my count, have never met...

If anybody wants to join in - or if anyone's incredibly ambitious and feels like they could take another date - I think we could easily double up on some days push on into June. I've amended the calendar/sign-up post with that, and also to relax the pairing restrictions a bit now we've got a month covered; if your Torchwood ship's genuinely rare, or you're shipping Rose, Martha or Jack with a version of the Doctor they haven't met in canon, that's okay.

I'll be commenting to remind people of their date a few days before.

# rare ships month

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