50th Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon-a-thon, Round Nine: Three

Aug 17, 2013 21:23

50th Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon-a-thon, Round Nine: Three

(Secondary prompt: Who Spinoffs)By now, my friends, I can't help but feel that the end is near and sooner than we might expect we are going to be facing the final curtain (figuratively, hopefully). But not quite yet! We still have a trio of excellent Doctors to get through before the big ( Read more... )

doctor who characters, 50 years of who, who spinoffs, third doctor, 50th anniversary fanwork-a-thon-a-thon

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Comments 21

Saturday, 17 August 2013 livejournal August 17 2013, 21:59:34 UTC
User merryghoul referenced to your post from Saturday, 17 August 2013 saying: [...] : 50th Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon-a-thon, Round Nine announcement [...]


akashasheiress August 19 2013, 17:51:07 UTC
Ah, look at all those nice, empty spaces.

Still, I'll be my boring self and take the 30th. :)


jjpor August 19 2013, 21:01:38 UTC
Yes, we seem to have room there... ;D


akashasheiress August 19 2013, 21:26:34 UTC

Also, I think they people who think that Three is actually that cozy with the establishment haven't really been watching his stories.


jjpor August 19 2013, 21:39:11 UTC
To be honest, I strongly sympathise with leftist readings of Doctor Who (how could I be such a fanatical Seven fan and not??), but I think people like Paul Cornell threw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak, in their blanket condemnation of Three. It's an era of contradictions, sometimes, to be sure, but it's more nuanced than that particular criticism of it would seem to suggest. As always, imho, of course. :)


jjpor August 19 2013, 21:07:49 UTC
Oh, in for a penny... I may as well add my own name and stick another "to do" on the "to do" list. ;D I think the date I will choose is the 29th. Of December. 2015, probably.


akashasheiress August 19 2013, 21:27:17 UTC
*takes down note*


locker_monster August 22 2013, 00:41:38 UTC
Oh what the heck. Sign me up for the 3rd. :-)


jjpor August 26 2013, 19:13:40 UTC
The third it is. :)


clocketpatch August 26 2013, 18:51:59 UTC
Is the 26th still available? lol Speaking of which, I better be making something Four-themed lickedy-split...


jjpor August 26 2013, 19:14:34 UTC

Well yes, it seems to still be free. I'll put you down, then. And remember - deadlines are a state of mind. :D


clocketpatch August 26 2013, 22:57:49 UTC
True, very true. Hmm... I just realized that my icon swap has left me without anything to represent Three era. Very sad.

I've just given you a signal boost on my journal, because, while having three people signed up for Three month is strangely fitting... Three deserves more love. Especially seeing as he's the number one Doctor in New Zealand! (which still amuses me)

I remember hearing at some point that the SJA were originally supposed to be about Young One having adventures on Gallifrey, but Rusty veto-ed that with all the power of veto-ing. A thing for which I am forever thankful.


jjpor August 28 2013, 21:16:18 UTC
I've always got good (bad?) old Delgado!Master to fall back on in terms of Three. He's as much a part of the era as anybody.

Yes, we need to get some New Zealanders on the case. I wonder if it's because it's August, or something? Is it a quiet time with people being on holidays etc? I'm going to put out more advertising posts at the end of the week on the various comms trying to drum up some business.

Well, that wins Rusty my eternal gratitude if he didn't already have it. Cancels out the last twenty minutes of Journey's End (but nothing will ever make The End of Time Part Two right!). It's one of those ideas that sounds good on paper to a non-Who fan and would even be enjoyed, I think, by most "casual viewers". But no. Just no. For all sorts of reasons.


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