50th Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon-a-thon, Round Seven: Five

Jun 15, 2013 20:57

50th Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon-a-thon, Round Seven: Five

(Secondary prompt: Minor Characters)Past the halfway point in our 'thon-of-'thons, now! It doesn't seem like more than a month or two since we kicked the whole shebang off with Eleven. The Six-themed Round Six continues, but already we have to look to the future and start preparing for the ( Read more... )

doctor who characters, 50 years of who, fifth doctor, 50th anniversary fanwork-a-thon-a-thon

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Comments 20

jjpor June 15 2013, 19:59:39 UTC
Again, I'm going to throw my own hat in the ring for this round; I've got a couple of ideas about minor character-related fic. Got to finish the Seven one (and the random one I started writing when I was trying to finish the Seven one) first, though. ;D


a_phoenixdragon June 15 2013, 20:28:41 UTC
Arrghhh...seriously tempted, though I've only written for Eight and Eleven.



jjpor June 15 2013, 20:42:26 UTC
Go on... Live dangerously! :D


a_phoenixdragon June 15 2013, 21:02:34 UTC
Hell with it...put me down for the 20th. If I muck it up completely tho, I don't wanna hear it, lol!!


jjpor June 15 2013, 21:24:45 UTC
My hard sell worked! ;D The 20th it is!


femme_slash_fan June 15 2013, 21:27:27 UTC
Gimme the 5th, I'm feeling brave!


jjpor June 16 2013, 13:58:28 UTC
Excellent! The 5th is yours. :)


ponygirl72 June 15 2013, 21:59:12 UTC
Put me down for the 25th, please. I'm late with this month's, but it's almost done.


jjpor June 16 2013, 13:58:07 UTC
The 25th it is. :) And you know, when you've already got one WIP on the go, why not add a few more to the pile? Keeps things interesting, I find...


meatball42 June 16 2013, 00:21:46 UTC
I have a fic that's been in my head for a looong time, but my muse is recovering slowly from a coma, so idk if/when it'll happen. Is there a maybe list?


jjpor June 16 2013, 13:55:58 UTC
I will put you on the "no specified date" list, which provides lots of wriggle-room, I would say. ;) Welcome aboard!


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