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Comments 8

newmoonstar April 24 2016, 03:32:28 UTC
A young pretty modern human girl? *GASP* What a shock! Really breaking the mold, aren't they? LOL

That was the most unbelievably generic dialog they could have come up with, and really doesn't even give us a hint of who she might be as a character. I don't have any reason to assume she won't be Rose/Martha/Amy/Clara version 5.0, so I don't think I'll be lured back to watching the show just for a new companion. But I'm happy for the actress- getting to do Doctor Who is a pretty great way to start off your career! (I assume she's just starting out since I've never seen her in anything before.) She seems nice and will probably be a perfectly good companion. I've just been watching too long and am too jaded. :p


katherine_b April 25 2016, 00:56:56 UTC
Apparently she's done a lot of stage work rather than TV. And I was hoping for something - anything! - other than 21st century human, but I imagine the costs of make-up etc would be prohibitive. No idea why they can't stick someone in a Victorian costume though (for instance).


gaiamix April 26 2016, 07:27:36 UTC
She'd be about 30 when the episodes start up again in 2017. She may be from some decades in the future or the past since that clothing and environment is'nt exactly 2010's. The people from Satellite Five wear 2005-y clothing after all, and that's much further into our future.

Those may not even be the clothing she starts up with and just plucked stuff from the TARDIS wardrobe, and thus she could easily even come from another planet or the faraway past.


persiflage_1 April 24 2016, 04:18:00 UTC
I think she'll be great, but I am furious the racist hate has already started online. People are assholes, especially in this fandom. It's going to be Marthagate all over again.


ravenskyewalker April 24 2016, 04:37:26 UTC
I liked her. Something about her reminded me of Ace, whom I loved. Mackie and Capaldi both have great hair and eyebrows, so that'll be fun, LOL. And Racist Fandom can go jump off a bridge somewhere. I try to limit my exposure to venomous fandom, so have been seeing a lot of love, but then random lunacy like "There's no point in diversity if everything else makes me shudder in disgust," whining about clothes, voice, accent, smile, and that this person will give her one episode and, if she doesn't live up to this idiot's standards, s/he won't watch again until she's gone. OMG, two minutes of a young black woman may be a show-breaker! Gah. (But I'm wrongly highly amused that Chibnall will be inheriting this fandom, despite knowing from youthful experience just what this fandom has always been like.)


(The comment has been removed)

ravenskyewalker April 24 2016, 14:27:33 UTC
I think she's currently still in a theatre prodiuction of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time -- there was a sneaky photo of Peter Capaldi recently visiting the cast that I saw online, with him in the middle, and the cast around him, and Pearl off to one side, future companion stealthily not showing any particular connection to current Doctor. heh heh

[Arrgh. Edited to fix messy code.]


alumfelga April 24 2016, 15:23:32 UTC
It's just two minutes, I can't really tell anything. I'm glad to see a new face, I hope she will be written better than Clara sometimes was. I'm sure she has a potential to be brilliant.


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