'Twas the Night Before...

Dec 24, 2015 22:15

...the Doctor Who Christmas Special, of course. Here are some updated details on when/how you can watch it, depending upon where you are in the world.And I may as well take the opportunity to wish you and yours all the best, now and in the new year, whichever midwinter holiday you may or may not be celebrating. I will leave you with this, one of ( Read more... )

xmas, the husbands of river song, twelfth doctor, 2015 xmas special, television stories, television

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Comments 3

newmoonstar December 26 2015, 03:57:18 UTC
It's not really Christmas till someone posts 'I'm Gonna Spend my Christmas with a Dalek'! I'm going to show it to my non-whovian friends and see what they make of it... they'll probably just think I'm crazy, but we'll see, lol.

Merry Christmas :)


a_phoenixdragon December 26 2015, 16:06:08 UTC
Hee!! Rather love that!!

Have yet to see the special - but I look forward to doing so soon!



shyfoxling December 28 2015, 03:51:04 UTC
Well. That was a thing that happened.

My husband opines that that was about the worst Dalek voice he's ever heard, but I actually don't know much about the original Dalek voices, so.


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