Leaving Me (PG-13)

Nov 29, 2015 22:39

Title: Leaving Me
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Characters/Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 238
Summary: Set during Episode 13 The Parting of the Ways. Rose blames herself for what's happening to Nine.
A/N: written for Who@50 52nd Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon! at who_at_50
Disclaimer: Doctor Who isn't mine nor is the delicious Ninth ( Read more... )

52nd anniversary fanwork-a-thon, ninth doctor, fan fiction

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Comments 1

jjpor November 30 2015, 23:54:17 UTC
Very nice indeed. Thanks so much for taking part in the fanwork-a-thon and for posting this to the comm. I have linked to it on the Dreamwidth version of the comm too in case anybody over there wants to check it out.


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