Fic: No More (1/1)

Nov 08, 2015 08:05

Title: No More (1/1)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 799
Characters: TARDIS, the Moment, War Doctor
Timeline: set during "The Day of the Doctor"; spoilers
Summary: They can save him from himself before he does the unthinkable.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to the BBC.
A/N: Written for who_at_50's 52nd anniversary fanwork-a-thon. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I ( Read more... )

52nd anniversary fanwork-a-thon, war doctor, 52nd anniversary, fan fiction

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Comments 2

jjpor November 10 2015, 00:10:15 UTC
There is now! :) Thanks again for taking part and for posting this to the comm. I have left a few words regarding the fic on your journal (I like it very much) and I will post a link on the DW version of the comm so that people over there can check it out too.


locker_monster November 11 2015, 04:29:32 UTC
And thank you for holding this fanwork-a-thon once again. It always gets the creative juices flowing (and gets me to write at least one thing a year).


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