Ten Days to a Tenth Anniversary, 10: The Big Day

Mar 26, 2015 23:12

Well, it's here. Ten years ago today, a new Doctor arrived on our screens in a new series after a fifteen and a half year hiatus. And he advised his new companion to run, which is as good as advice as any considering the sorts of scrapes the Doctor regularly encounters ( Read more... )

twelfth doctor, new who anniversary celebration countdow, television stories, fan video, tenth doctor, eleventh doctor, ninth doctor, 51 years of who, 10 years of nuwho

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Comments 4

dbskyler March 26 2015, 23:33:55 UTC
Thank you so much for all these links! I've only gone through the Radio Times one so far, but it was wonderful and now I'm feeling all celebratory. I was going to say that I liked RTD's message the best, but then I came across the one from Simon Pegg. :)


dbskyler March 28 2015, 06:31:29 UTC
And LOL, I just watched the Capaldi video, and even though he drives me crazy by calling the Doctor "Doctor Who" in his interviews, in the song he just sang "the Doctor" even though in this one case it would have been more appropriate to sing "Doctor Who"! I guess the needs of the song (and the syllables) came first, though.


wunnerwmn March 27 2015, 01:11:13 UTC
It all makes me a little wistful...if only there had been this much love shown for the show back when it was about to sputter out in the 80s. But I never expected it to come back, let alone for 10 years, with no end in sight. I've had my issues with reboot Who, but let's face it, even with those issues it's better than no Doctor Who at all. Happy birthday Doctor, whether it's the 10th, the 52nd, or the 2000th-ish.


a_phoenixdragon March 27 2015, 02:54:34 UTC
OHhh, thank you for this post!! Could not help but to pimp this Awesomeness!! Happy Anniversary Nu!Who!!



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