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Comments 6

a_phoenixdragon December 24 2014, 01:46:23 UTC
Eeeee!! This was such a good round! Whoot!



jjpor December 24 2014, 17:04:51 UTC
It really was. :)


wunnerwmn December 24 2014, 02:54:05 UTC
Eeep...my entry got waylaid by the holidays. Hopefully after the first of the year I can get it done. Lots of good stuff, though!


jjpor December 24 2014, 17:06:08 UTC
No worries - I know from bitter experience how that sort of thing happens. I look forward to seeing it, anyway, when you have been able to finish it. :)


nonelvis December 24 2014, 03:40:54 UTC
And thank *you* for running the fanwork-a-thon, as well as this awesome comm!


jjpor December 24 2014, 17:07:12 UTC
Aw, shucks. :D Neither of them would be anything without the people who participate and comment.


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